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Rheumatoid Arthritis
When life gets you down, and there are so many times it does, how do you handle it? Where do you turn when your life deals you a lousy hand? Have you heard of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
So many times life DOES hand us a lousy hand. I know the rule of thumb at our house is: “When it rains….it pours.” Well…sometimes, it comes a flash-flood. This is one of those weeks. I won’t go into detail, but I will say: I’m researching all the facts, solutions and ideas on the subject. That’s my way….I dig in deeper, looking for a solution, a cure.
When I found out I had Rheumatoid arthritis, it was no different. In fact, it was much the same as my reaction to my back pain. I began to research and dig in. I haven’t found a cure, and many not for a while, truth is…maybe never. I have, however, found a lot of really good support groups and sites. is one of those sites.’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center, provides medical information, tips and advice that are all written by professional health writers, experts and physicians. Visit for useful information on Rheumatoid Arthritis and other prevalent medical conditions related to women’s health.
After my diagnosis six or seven years ago, I remember going home, crawling into bed and crying. The first medication I was given was Methotrexate. It made me so sick I was barely able to get out of the bed. After weeks of lethargy, nausea, and diahreah…..and absolutely NO relief in the pain, I was ready to not just toss the towel in the ring…but wrap a rock with the towel, and HURL it in. Medication after medication has gone by since, and I still suffer a great deal. I’ve learned the best way to handle my situation…is to rely on all the information in places like Lifescript. If you find yourself in this same teetering boat, then you have to check them out. You have to RUN towards the wealth of information they provide. The solutions they can provide is invaluable to getting help.
If you suffer from RA…you need to read some of the articles in Check out the anti-inflammatory recipes Lifescript has to provide or check out the fitness center….both of these articles and tons more info!
So….will you let RA define you?….or will you fight back and research the facts and information that is provided for you? Control it…don’t let it control you.
Did you know that Lifescript has a FACEBOOK page too? Yup….and you’ll find a whole other set of resources on their site! 😀
Lifescript’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center features tips, quizzes, recipes and articles – all by professional health writers, experts and physicians – covering common RA symptoms, foods that compose an anti-inflammatory diet, new RA therapies and more. Please visit the Lifescript Health Center on Rheumatoid Arthritis for more information.
And to check out this free website, click here!
This is a sponsored post by me on behalf of
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Sorry to here that you have R A Tammy.My son-in law also has it and he fights it every day but does not give in to it.he can’t hold down a job so he keeps house and my daughter works.Pray you get to here from you.
Thanks Peggy…You’re so sweet. I’ll keep your son-in-law in my prayers.