Oh yes….If you’re my age….you remember them….these relics are still around!!!…but don’t chunk it…..It’s gonna be amazing!!!
First let me say…I didn’t do the black….Only the front was “sort of” spray painted when I found it…and badly done at that… But…what a little charmer. Oh….and boo….the guts of the record player were already gone….sad day…they would of made good stuff too.
Secondly…this is gonna be a two…or maybe three blog project…because it’s gonna have destruct….and re-struct….and the re-struct will be two projects.
Today…all I managed was tearing it apart….then we had to quit to take little Mr. to the Chiropractor.
Off with the plastic do dads in the front…those are for another day!
I’m not sure why…but these are plastic….don’t weigh 5oz each….but by Golly….they were NEVER coming off of there….each one of them was being held on by at least 20 of the longest winded screws ever!!! Seriously?!?!! WTH?
Well….now that it’s almost Christmas….WOW….I’m soooooo glad I had a battery powered drill for that! This is where I miss Davey….I coulda pimped him out for this!
I was trying to take the WHOLE front off…but just the stereo fabric came off….then the jig saw had to come out…….=\
Wow….what a mess!!
More later!!!
Love Y’all!
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