Solo Cup Gift Box
Solo cups just have to be the most versatile….most re-usable things EVER invented. I wish I had come of with the solo cup!!! Y’all have seen how I measure with them! You’ve seen how Ornamental they can be! Now…I’m gonna show you how to use them as a gift box!!! It’s simple….quick….and OH SO CUTE!!! This gift box is just the perfect size for so many things…..Jewelry, cookies, gift cards, MONEY!!!! lol
First take your cup and cut off the top rim…..I so need to find a use for these!
Now….I’m using the clear cups….that’s what I had. You can do like I did for my ornaments or you can just buy the colored cups. I just re-use what I have on hand. Cut down the cup about an inch…to an one and a half inches down….spaced about the same apart. I didn’t get terribly fussy about this. When you get slits cut all the way around your cup….fold each tab down and crease it…
One lesson I learned making my gift box. Pain it first…and let it dry. But, this is where I painted mine with looking glass paint.
Now…I took a hole punch…and punched four holes in mine. You wouldn’t have to do this if you didn’t want….the gift box is really cute without it! I think wire would be adorable too….I just had this cording handy. 🙂
Tie a knot on one end…run the cording though one hole…placing the knot on the inside.
Now…I did mine like purse handles….but you could also criss cross your handles too. Anyway go from the outside of your next hole…and run it inside and tie it off.
When you’re finished filling your gift box, just start tucking one side of each tab under the next….just make sure you use the same edge for all the unders….and the same for all the overs. See how all my right corners tuck under…and all the left corners tuck over?
That’s it!!! How CUTE is that?
What would you use this for? Would you paint your? Or just buy the colored cup?
Happy Gift Box ING!!!
Love Y’all!!
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