I’m so excited about a special post I had to honor of writing for one of my favorite blogs….The NY Melrose Family. Y’all should all take the time to click on the link at the bottom of my post to go visit her site and look around! Here is the post that was spotlighted on her blog yesterday….and I hope Y’all….and HER subscribers enjoy it equally!!!
Thanks Jenny for having me! I’m really excited to introduce a painting technique with your subscribers that I’ve never shown anyone before.
First off….Just let me tell everyone, that if you don’t already know….I LOVE LOVE LOVE anything rescued or recycled. There is something exciting/exhilarating about taking objects that have used up their lives for what they are intended for….and give them a new life. Sometimes a whole new function! Sometimes they haven’t really used up their life….their former owner’s just tired of them. Which is the case today. Now…I scour the thrift stores constantly for project pieces.
About a month ago….I found this little gem….and couldn’t leave her! Look at her gorgeous legs and those AMAZING handles. I have a soft spot for anything that resembles the “French” attitude! I also just adore pieces that say “I’ve been here a LONG time!” This generally means it has chippy peeling paint. This look is hard to duplicate “realistically”.
Look at that price!!!! And this isn’t one of those cheesy plastic ones…this sucker weighs a TON!!!!
I’ve seen several folks use vaseline to accomplish this….and it looks REALLY good! But today I’m gonna share a technique with you that I’ve used for a few years now. I find it easier. I guess it just depends what look you’re looking for. It also seems to me….that this one is a bit less messy, and easier to control.
Here is what you’ll need to do this technique. Latex Paint…in what ever color/s you’d like. I just chose black and pink because I also let the cream show through. I’ve done it with more and fewer colors and I like them all. You can also paint an initial “base” color and let it dry and cure before doing the faux age. If you’re gonna do this….let it cure a day or two…It needs to be good and dry! Denatured alcohol. There are several brands out there….I’ve used lots of them….I don’t have a preference for any brand. If you’ve never seen denatured alcohol….talk to your paint store person….they should be able to guide you in the right direction. whether or not you base coat your piece….it’s a good idea to use your liquid sander prior to doing ANYTHING…..or sand it really well. Remember the three rules to good paint jobs…..CLEAN DULL and DRY!!!
When ready to age….take your denatured alcohol….and sprinkle it out on the piece. How much you used is strictly a personal choice. The more you use….the less paint will stick…and your under color will show up more. Personally I would experiment a bit on something else, until you get the “feel” for the look you want. I tried to get a picture of this part….but I just couldn’t get the liquid to show up. I used a bout two to three cap fulls….or sprinkled out enough to cover about 25-30 percent of the piece. Work in sections if you’re doing the whole piece, as the liquid dries fast. Oh…by the way….the bonus….it took off the price too!!! I’m only “aging” the top of mine….so I could do the whole area at once. This is what she looked like after one coat of the pink. If you’ll notice….in the top right corner…I got a little less sander….that’s okay…because I was planning on doing more coats. This is such a forgiving technique.
Let this dry. It doesn’t have to cure….just let it dry. I then sprinkled a little more alcohol this time….and added my black.
I then repeated this with the pink. The nice thing about this….the more you add….the more age you give it.
I then decided to give this little recycled treasure one of my other favorite treatments……ZEBRA!!!! OH…..How I love zebra! Here she is started….Now….she’ll get more coats on the rest….and touch ups where the black isn’t perfect…..but I HAD to share here!!!
Tell me……What do Y’all think? What’s your favorite paint technique?
Thanks again Jenny!!!!
Love Y’all!!!
P.S……Don’t forget to head on over and visit Jenny!!!!
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Wow, I learned something new today! Might just have to try that – love the zebra treatment too!! 🙂
Thank You Kammy!
How fun, and kinda edgy too
Thank You! I LOVE zebra stripes!! And your site….I almost couldn’t get my lower jaw back into place when I visited!!! 🙂
Thank you for walking me through this technique. I do have a few questions, though. Are you saying that the denatured alcohol is a liquid sander? Does this mean that any other sanding is not required? Also, after you pile on the coats of latex paint, is it necessary to use a sealant? I currently have a dining room table which I am in the process of painting. I’ve actually started with a few coats of charcoal gray and then a cream color satin finish latex paint, but it’s not nearly finished. I love this project, by the way.