The other day I was nosing around in one of my friends’ barn….she had warned me that I’d find more stuff than I could cart home in there….this made me want to snoop even more!!!
With an empty pick-up and a full mind….I raced on over to her house!!!
There….in the darkness….way at the back…and up in the rafters was the coolest thing….a medicine cabinet!….this was no ordinary medicine cabinet….I’ve never seen one like this….it’s as tall as me…60″….and fifteen inches wide!!! I’ve never seen one that tall before!!!!
Oops….it’s upside down here! lol
I’m not CRAZY about yellow….but I do LOVE it with all my reds…..yes I said MY….it’s staying at my house…at least for a while!!!
Paint brush in hand….NATURALLY….I had to….I fixed up!
A little blue….and alot of red…..and even MORE sanding!!
She’s awesome!!!
This is the inside….before the sanding on the shelves!
Where should I use her?…Bathroom? Kitchen? Crafts?
Love Y’all
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That is SO super cool!!! You are the Champion “picker” in these parts!!!
I’m pretty sure….I’m a second behind you and Liz!