Bowling Ball or Gazing Ball?
Again….with the fetish…seriously? How many of these do I have?…these are almost as bad as my light fetish. Am I alone? I’m gonna show you one of the things I do with a bowling ball! Before I start…jump over to Live Creatively Inspired….and see a ladybug accessory/gazing ball I make from a bowling ball.
I have several bowling balls lying around in my garden. I started grabbing them up several years ago to cover in decorative mosaics. I’m just now getting around to it. Today….I’m gonna show you my white mosaic ball that I worked on this week. I’m not doing this gazing ball as a tutorial…because it’s fairly self-explanatory from the pictures….If any of y’all want to make on…and need some extra help….leave your questions in the comments…and I’ll see if I can walk you through it. Don’t worry…there are NO dumb questions…and I would love to help you out…most likely…if you’re wondering…someone else is too!
This particular bowling ball is particularly special to me….look at the name that’s on it!!!
I’m gonna show you how I covered this…and kept the name where it shows.
For the holes….I just found large pieces to cover them…except the thumb hole…I stuck a drawer knob in it…glued down the edges…and it worked great!
Here’s the glue I use to attach the glass and beads to the ball…you can find it…and most of the supplies I used for this at Hobby Lobby.
Here’s what my gazing ball looks like with all the pieces glued on…right before I grouted it.
Pretty UGLY….NO?….Just wait!
Let the glue dry for twenty four hours….and get you some sanded grout…YES….I forgot to take a picture…but you can get this at Hobby Lobby or at any home improvement store that carries tile…and you can get it in so many colors….it’s not even funny!
I simply used a large glass bead and glued it on top of “David”….because this glue dries clear…it just worked perfect!
Here she is…or HE is in all his gazing glory!
Do you like gazing balls? What color would you use?
Love Y’all!!
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That is what I call thinking outside the box tammy! Love it.
Thanks Debbie!