I’m pretty convinced, that all pet owners in the world, could use a scoop. I’m sure there are other things that this little darling could be used for, but this always seems to been my need.
How much plastic do you think we throw away in this country? I don’t know, but it’s a LOT. I’m not one to judge. I do what I can to try to rescue as many things as possible from going to a landfill. Other than that, there isn’t a whole lot I can do. I live in a fairly remote area as far as this sort of thing is concerned. To my knowledge, there are no places near me, that recycle plastic. Sort of a shame…don’t you think. Seems like, as much plastic as there is in our homes, that these places would be everywhere….but not so. Anyway, I always need a scoop, so this is just a win/win for me. Hope y’all enjoy this simple solution, to a couple of problems. How to make a scoop from a plastic jug.
This can be any jug. I used a vinegar jug, but bleach, water, really any kind will work. I didn’t even bother to soak off the label.
First, RINSE, RINSE, RINSE. I can’t express that any more clearly than that. NUFF SAID!
I use REALLY hot water. One, it stabilizes the bottle, and two, it softens it a little, making cutting way easier. A repeat of hot water can be done, if it gets too difficult for your scissors or knife to go through. I don’t use my good scissors for projects like this, so soft plastic is nice. Not to mention, it’s much easier on my RA hands. 😀
I generally cut the bottom completely off…extending up past that first little groove in the bottom of the bottle.
Taking the bottomless bottle come up to an 1″ to 2″ below the handle, curving around and back down to the bottom. Actually, if you mark along the top and bottom of the label, generally this is just about right. You can round the edges like I did. This seems to make it a little less flimsy. For some reason, leaving just those small corners, shortens the life of the scoop.
Some caps are screw on. That’s nice, but not all of them are. If your isn’t…and mine wasn’t, you can permanently attach it with E6000. It probably isn’t necessary, I just didn’t want to battle it later, covered in grease from the cat food…
Place a bead of glue around the small area where the bottle mouth will sit. Press the bottle in and let it dry.
Seriously…this is the best solution to scooping pet food!
I can’t believe it took me so long to figure this one out. All the solo cups I’ve gone through! lol
These can be made from any size jug. I prefer the half gallon size to the gallon, but that’s just a personal choice.
Do you have a jug, you’re about to throw away? Don’t, make a scoop!
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This is a great idea! I could use a scoop for potting plants, etc., and I would love not to buy one! I always have plenty of vinegar jugs around.
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