Vintage Suite Case Turned Pet Bed
I Love my pets! This old Vintage Suite Case Is perfet for a perfect pet bed
This project is SUPER easy!!! Made from ALL second-hand stuff!
A vintage suitcase….used clothing…..even the pillow is thrift!
OH….I did buy the feet new from the local home improvement store….porch post finials!
I bought the suitcase at a thrift store for $2.99
I started by ripping this LOVELY mauve fabric lining out of it….nothing special needed for this….just a pair of pliers…and scissors.
You can buy fabric from a remnant pile….or use a skirt…shower curtain…sheet/pillowcase…or blanket. I used a hunk of fabric from my stash….if I remember right…this was a shower curtain.
If you want to use my exact technique…….grab a grand baby!
It is generally essential at my house to keep one of these on hand…..and several dogs!
The finials are easily screwed in through the bottom of the suitcase….right where Jude is sitting!
I also screwed a couple of boards inside….for weight….it will want to tip backwards if you don’t.
If you want to make your cushion cover washable….you could cut a piece of plywood to fit the inside bottom and staple the fabric to it before putting it in the suitcase….I didn’t because I change colors constantly and I figure by the time the fabric needs to be washed….I’ll be ready for a change.
I used hot glue to attach my fabric….but you could use something like super 77 too if you wanted to.
This might be where you choose to insert one of your critters to help…they are usually hanging about!
Notice…that I attached a pocket in the back for bones….leashes….toys and other necessities! I used a piece of fabric a little longer across than the suitcase itself….so that it would have some stretch. I hot glued some elastic inside the pocket….no sewing if you don’t want to!
I found a piece of trim laying about that worked for finishing….and Viola!!! If your pooch has a habit of chewing….you may want to leave this off!
Love Ya’ll!!!
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How did you get the lid to stay up?
Stacey, I took a piece of 2×2 board…and screwed it in behind the lid…between the lid and the bottom…this keeps it open. Does that make sense?
Dearest Tammy I love the pet bed ! ! but there is something else in your photo that I love…… doggy. My doggy looks EXACTLY like the doggy in the photo. When I bought it I was told that it was a mix between a Maltese and a Yorky………. Up to now I have not seen a doggy again like this…….. until today on your website. If my doggy is a mixed breed which I doubt ……… how come somewhere across the ocean is a doggy with exactly the same features and even the same spots on the fur! I am DESPERATELY in need of another doggy like this. Mine is already ten years old and I am always hoping that I will get another one like mine if my dear doggy’s time is no longer with us……… Wish I could send you a picture of my doggy. Please, do you mind to drop me a note if you know anything more about the doggy on your pictures if it is not your doggy?
Big hug and Take care
South Africa
Elize, Yes…the puppy in the picture is my baby. Her name is Molly…and she’s a mix between a shih tzu and a poodle. Like yours…she’s about ten years old, and has been the best dog I’ve ever owned. She’s completely spoiled I just love her to pieces. 😀 Have a great day!