Multi Colored Sewing Table
Anyone who lives in West Texas knows…the weather wasn’t gonna allow me to work outside on my stereo/T.V. stand…..but I did this morning….hence the late post.
I did stay pretty busy this week-end….for one thing…Dave was home! But mostly working on another project/upcycle for the booth.
Here while back…at one of my haunts….I found this old sewing cabinet.
The guts aren’t finished…but when it’s done…it’ll be a little laptop desk!
ANYHOO…..I guess I was feeling multifaceted and painted her up….and she even got a big ole ceramic knob!
I couldn’t resist whipping out every color I had on hand. I just felt like making her bright and cheerful! Something that would look darling in any girls room for her to do her homework on. These old cabinets are really easy to make into darling side tables and storage tables. with a new bottom on the inside, they will keep all that messy homework secret. When you need more work surface….fold open the top. I guess I should have taken a picture of the top opened up! Oops. But…I’m sure Y’all get the idea!
I couldn’t resist the touch of leopard print on the front! 😀
This little multi colored sewing cabinet is gonna make some girl’s homework time….a lot more cheery! Hopefully it will inspire her to be creative!…..That knob is awfully BOSSY!!!
Sara did a little multifaceted number too! Isn’t it ADORABLE!!!!!
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I LOVE all the colors!
Thank You Very Much!