Butane Bottle Lights from Junk!
Okay….beauty IS in the eye of the beholder! Especially when it comes to all my lights from junk. They are definitely a love it or hate it item
What to do with a gunshot up butane tank? Y’all know me! Put a swag in it!!!!!!! I think that making these lights just adds that little bit of whimsy that EVERY room needs. This little junker would look awesome almost anywhere if you ask me! From a little boy’s room to a man cave. I even like it for an office….or even a reading light! Maybe over a bar?
I really LOVE the hit of turquoise and all the rust. Just the most amazing character that you just can’t make up!!!! I love lights from old junk…don’t y’all? Would you hang this in your house? I may have to keep the other one for Jude’s room….Just so BOY!!!
I know….I know…this is a really short post….but I promise….I WILL reveal the secret as to why I’m so busy….besides the cottage! In due time!
Oh….give away bonus answer hint: It is Beautiful!!!!!
Love Y’all!!!!!