I‘ve been dreaming of the beach lately. I so want a vacation. I really would love to say that this is in the cards for the very near future, but unfortunately….
~It’s not~
Nope, I’m relinquished to a life of housekeeping, refinishing, and blogging. Not all bad I suppose…I just really want to go to the beach for a week.
Since that’s not happening….I guess I’ll just paint about the beach….how’s that?
One thing about going through all your stuff for a move…
~You Find Everything!~
Not that this table was lost….she was just hidden out. At one point I had several booths in the same town where my mother lives. When I closed those booths…some of my stuff went into my mom’s storage shed. I only had room in my pickup for a certain amount…and I never did finish moving all of it from there. I didn’t feel like it would be very nice to move across the country and leave my mom with all my CRAP to have to deal with….Bad enough that I’m having too! lol
Here she is…naked in my driveway…where we unloaded her! She really shouldn’t be naked…in the winter…outside….so…I decided to let her dream about the beach too! She seemed like she would like a zebra striped bikini…..
Don’t judge…it’s a phone pic…for instagram! I thought I might not have enough of this awesome paint from one of my dear friends Lori…from over at Vintage Charm Restored It was a gift from her from when we stayed together at conference. What fun. It’s called surfboard. She sells American Paints… This wouldn’t have been the color I chose….if I were choosing for myself…and I’m SOOOO glad I wasn’t. It absolutely is the BEST color!!!
It’s hard to tell…again…a phone pic…but it really is that same blue.
I knew I wanted a light color for the strips….black or even a dark blue wasn’t an option…besides I wanted to keep with the chalk paint style.
SOOOOO again…since I had it.. I relied on another friends’ supplies… Clydia from Three Mango Seeds sells this super paint. It isn’t chalk paint, but it acts a lot like it. It’s called plaster paint. I love it as much as chalk paint. They both have awesome qualities!
I love zebra stripes…they just might be my favorite animal print to paint. Leopard is my favorite to wear…and as y’all know…to put in my house! lol
I just adore the handle that came on this cabinet…and decided I just had to have it on there…but I spiffed it up with some rub n buff. I also added some to part of the edges… After I distressed them ….of course!
I love how easily both of these paints distress….just a damp rag…or very light sandpaper.
Oh…didn’t I tell you?….Yes…just a bikini. She sure didn’t need to cover up very much.
Nothing wrong with that figure!
Did you notice….
~You didn’t get to see the inside?~
It’s not finished….but it will be…and you’ll get to see it when I do get ‘er done!
For now…you’ll just have to use your imagination…just like any other gal with her little string bikini!
Maybe she won’t keep you waiting long! 😀
I can’t wait to show you the full view…but you’ll just have to wait and keep dreaming about this little girl in her teeny weeny beach zebra bikini~

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I love it Tammy!! I am a sucker for that color and zebra too!! Turned out beautifully!!
Lori @Vintage Charm Restored recently posted…My Painted Buffet
Thanks Lori…I have to get over and order some more of that paint! I’m officially IN LOVE with it now! 😀 Have a great week!
Sew cute! LOL I love it!
Clydia @ Three Mango Seeds recently posted…ITS PARTY TIME 2/23/14
Thanks Clydia. I love the way she turned out…and I’m so glad I decided to mix the two paints together on one project…turned out perfect. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful week!
Awesome re-purpose and paint job. Drop by and share your project at either of the parties on my blog if you like. I know my readers would love this.
Theresa @DearCreatives recently posted…Meal Plan Monday: Fish Tacos with Homemade Avocado Sauce
Thank you Theresa….I sure might do that! Have a great week!
Wow…great job, Tammy! And now I, too, am longing for a week at the beach (especially with yet another rainy week forecast here in the NW!).
Megan from ChaosServedDaily recently posted…Two Tasty and Easy Eggplant Recipes
Thank you Megan. I’m sorry. It seems as though spring. .. And warm weather just can’t come fast enough this year. Have a wonderful week.
I love the results of your project. Delightful. But I wanted to comment on the various paints you used for no other reason than to give you some more knowledge that you might in the future than pass along. I’ve worked in the paint industry in the past. This nouveau fad of what is being called “chalk paint” is in actuality a “vehicle or binder” that holds pigment. Paints have substances added to them in order to provide extra “tooth” which makes them stick to various surfaces or to give them a certain type of finish. Paint with little sheen and a great amount of tooth is used for many purposes. Gesso for example is generally used by artists to fill in gaps in canvases and provide a substrate with tooth to apply other materials on top of. It is ancient and at one time was made predominantly from a glue of rabbit or other animal skins. This rabbit glue to make a more traditional form of gesso still exists today although most people use a 100% acrylic formula that contains significant amounts of calcium carbonate. In fact Calcium carbonate is the painting industry standard for many paints created to achieve high levels of tooth. Builders paints which are the base paints commonly used in new builds are a prime example. In terms of “Chalk paints” what does this mean. All of these designer paints are only a binder, pigment and some ingredient added to give extra tooth. Some add calcium carbonate, some clay, some plaster of paris, and some a refined non sanded grout. All of these formulations can be made at home using simple glass mixing bowls, wisks, and glass storage containers with sealable lids like mason jars. They are all pretty much the same in results. The difference is that the public is kept ignorant by a lack of ingredient labeling and claims of natural, no voc, non toxic, etc. Of course Annie Sloan has trademarked the term Chalkpaint claiming it as her invention which of course given this essay you can see it is not and never has been. So you used two different products which are the same as using two different brands of flat paint. Just the ingredient which adds the tooth changed and trust me…that makes no difference whatsoever to the outcome of your product. I paint for a living at this point and make my own “chalkpaints”. I’ve used all the formulations out there and all the make your own formulations as well. The last paint I used cost me less than 2 dollars for a quart. It was a gallon of oops flat paint with primer($7.00) to which I added 1.5 tablespoons of Calcium carbonate to each cup of flat paint. And of course I can mix up any sample or quart of flat paint color that I want or need. I don’t have to stick to anyone else’s charts, designer pricing or shipping costs. Hope this knowledge makes your painting even more cost effective and enjoyable. Shea.
Shea, While I appreciate your lengthy explanation, I am very aware of what is in most chalk paints…as I have a post where I made my own. This, however is somewhat different…as I’m telling what my experience with each particular paint was…which I might add…is somewhat different to each other. While they may have some of the same ingredients, each of these paints that I have used, have all been somewhat different. I’m not sure what your point was…but I do appreciate your compliments on my table. Have a wonderful week.
It turned out so cute Tammy! I love the colors you chose!
Shanna Gilbert recently posted…My Anti-Green Thumb (and my Feta and Cheddar Casserole)
Thank you Shanna! I really love the two together! I’m so glad you stopped by. Have a great week!
I love this table, Tammy! I’m glad you shared it at Throwback Thursday!
Denyse @ Glitter, Glue & Paint recently posted…Headband Holder
Thanks Denyse…and thanks for hosting the party! 😀