Baby Steps
As most of you know…I’ve been going through a little rough patch. I’m not gonna whine today about my problems…just gonna tell y’all something I did about it. I got a puppy! My little furry Moose. A Shih tzu-carine terrior.
I had been sitting around pouting about how awful I’ve had things…I really got down…and didn’t want to stand up. One day I ran across Moose…all alone…all her siblings gone. There she was just tiny and fuzzy…just sitting there staring at me…sadly…pulling me in…nearer…nearer…Yep…my heart sang out….she’s going home with me!
I mean seriously….Look at that face!!!
Look at that hair! That set of eyes! It was definitely love at first sight.
She’s a real stinker. She’s doing her job…she’s got me up and moving…and motivated. Molly…my 8 year old Shih tzu-Poo girl…she is my sidekick…always has been. But…she just hangs with me…she doesn’t force me to get going! lol
I’m not sure I really want to go through potty training AGAIN…and the thieving of a mate to every pair of shoes and socks that I own…but I did this to myself…and I’m kinda secretly, enjoying the show. She’s an absolute clown.
I was….for some odd reason, having a really hard time coming up with a name that fit her….when Jacob…my daughter’s boyfriend suggested Moose…and it just kinda fit…so…she became Moose…or Miss Moose. Although it seems like a boy’s name, don’t let the fact that she is female fool you….she completely fits that name! For one thing…she Mooses her way into EVERYONE’S heart. I’m really not sure of anyone that’s met her…that hasn’t fell completely in love. And, Molly, she’s a bit of an old woman. She always has been. She’s never been very patient with other critters, and puppies in particular. But, Mom and I noticed…she is diligently patient with Moose. It’s almost not real….how she lets Moose get away with things that even she herself didn’t pull as a puppy. So…they seem to be a good fit.
I won’t write a book about Moose & Molly…but I will be keeping you updated. They’re gonna be fun.
Tonight I’m co-hosting a pinterest power party with some sweet blogging friends of mine. The idea is to promote your pins…and get some good pinterest friends and followers. So find some of your pins…and link ’em up….we’d love to have you…and to follow you on pinterest.
Please be sure to read through the girls short set of rules below…and have fun!
Here are our little rules:
{1} Be a Pinterest follower of your hosts and co-hosts {links below}!
{2} Put our party button on your blog post or party page! This will give our party more exposure which gives your fabulous links more exposure too!
{3} Pin the two links before yours! If everyone pins, we all get exposure on Pinterest!
{4} Please link up no more than four posts! They can be old or new – your old posts are still fabulous {even when they get pushed back by new posts!}.
{5} This is optional – but you don’t want to skip it!! Be a follower of our Pinterest Power Party board – we’ll be pinning each week’s features as well as others that just catch our eye each week! You can follow the Pinterest Power Party board here!
If you’re interested in co-hosting our fabulous party, send us an email{sewmuchcrafting [at] yahoo [dot] com} – and we’ll get you added to the schedule!
Are you ready to party and get your pin on?
{6} Twist Front Top Pattern from So Sew Easy
{7} Decking out the Deck from The Happy Housie
{8} BLT Wrap from Lilikoi Joy
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