Paint Finishes
Not so long ago a very sweet and dear friend of mine gave me a shout. She had some stuff that she was gonna throw out…and she thought of me. Like me…she couldn’t throw anything out that could possibly be salvaged or used by someone. 😀 Now….where do folks get the idea that I like junk? Recycled treasures? or dumpster diving?
Have you ever heard the expression “high hatting”? Well… defines it this way:
[hahy–hat] verb 1. to snub or treat condescendingly. adjective 2. snobbish; disdainful; haughty.
Considering the former life of a broken down, worn out highchair…I guess any make-over is kinda high hatting. A servant for kids is a pretty humble beginning. I guess good character building for any accessory. That’s kinda nice though. I think all of us need a piece of humble pie now and then. I’m sure if this old gal could talk…she’s have a few interesting tales to tell. I bet she could tell you about every bottom in the family. I’m sure she could tell you what kind of cooks live in the house too.
I have one before…one of my little snob in my booth….but you get the idea……
After I used her in the booth for a while…she sat and got dusty and dirty with a few drops of grease and grime here and there. I opted not to clean those up…I wanted to leave them so that when I painted her…she’d have some built in character!
I found the amazing design for a monogram and placed a K in the center. Do you like it? Well…you can have one of your own…even in a variety of colors…go here 😀
I changed the font in my monogram…and changed it to black. Not that it matters…I LOVE the chartruise green…but it didn’t seem to fit my high chair…but I might do one in a frame.
I ran a pencil over the back so that it would trace the pattern
Then centering it…I taped it to the back of the highchair where I wanted my design.
Once I got everything traced…I had my design so that I could paint it up!
Then I just had to add a little character with sandpaper. It was just enough to flake off where the grunge was…and add just a little extra……..
This got her perfectly ready for high hatting!
She has a new serving job now….she serves my plants…….
My books……..
And my accessories.
I love my high hatting high chair….even if she is a tad bit pretentious!
Do you have a piece of furniture that is ready to be thrown out? Do you have another job it could service as? Maybe you have a high hatter of your own!
Marilyn says
Tammy I love what you did with this high chair! Now I’ve got to stop by Goodwill to see if I can find a high chair! 😀
Marilyn recently posted…DIY #Minion Storage Crock
Tammy says
Thank You Marilyn! I love it for this purpose! I want to see it when you’re done!
Denyse @ Glitter, Glue & Paint says
Oh goodness, Tammy! I love what you did with the highchair. Great use of an old item and creating great decorative space.
Denyse @ Glitter, Glue & Paint recently posted…3D Picture Collage
Shanna Gilbert says
Tammy, that turned out so cute! You have such a creative mind!
Shanna Gilbert recently posted…Pinterest Party Friday!!!!
Tammy says
Thanks so much Shanna! I appreciate that! You do a pretty dang good job yourself!
Tammy says
Thanks Denyse! I like the purpose a lot better too! lol