House Renovation Part 3
Today…..the front bathroom!
This could get lengthy! lol…..The bathrooms in this house, in my opinion were really very close to the worst offenses in the whole house! They had outdated wallpaper….one of my pet peeves…especially non- removable like in the 70’s! So… with that….and up with the texture and paint!
I’m also not sure why people felt the need to section off bathrooms….I’m sorry I don’t want anyone barging in on me when I’m doing ANYTHING in the bathroom…but especially bathing or using the toilet! In this bathroom the door was at the end of the fireplace so that when you opened it….in I might add….ugh you could barely go in and close the door! I mean really?….I couldn’t even change my mind in that cramped space!
We took the door down…and pulled out that “AMAZING” gold enhanced tile around the bathtub! Ugh….If I had wanted to live here I probably would have spent a little extra money and bricked over that window and put a skylight in….I don’t understand why builders insist on putting windows in showers….really? Especially where you have hard water….as if the rot alone doesn’t do it for you!
I wasn’t particularly found of the brick in this house either….but somehow the sheet rock over it bothered me in this room….and I could “feel” the space lost behind it….and WE customized every inch possible inside this home….so off with that too!
Where the chimney narrowed on each side we took the time to build shelves to fit the roughly cut brick….it was really rough….they didn’t do a neat job because the sheet rock facing that would go up. They also didn’t neatly scrape off the morter between the bricks…..YUMMY!!! I really loved that look….only the color was awful and I painted right over it! The mantel was also an addition….I really like it…and you can’t tell…but it had extra hooks hanging down for clothes and what not! You can see just a bit of the cuts that the shelves had to have in this very front corner…just above the mantel. Both sides of the fireplace got this treatmeant! Where there was a four inch gap between the cabinet and the brick we built a pull out cabinet for extra…this meant a new counter top….we were gonna do that anyway! Up with the old flooring and matching tile down…..
We put in the new lights….replacing the LOVELY space ship that had landed!…..Added the new sink…granite…and a frame around the mirror!
Now….those of you whom have never heard me talk about “used” bathrooms……don’t realize what an absolute “OBSESSION” I have with “other folks’ toilets”….it is ALWAYS one of the first things I put in when moving into a new house….(my soapbox) It’s a $40-$100 piece of mind that I HAVE to have!
I like it!
Love Y’all!
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