Even Now
What is marriage? Well, I used to think I knew, but my marriage has become so different than the normal, I’m not sure most folks know anymore.
Almost twenty-four years ago I fell madly in LOVE with my husband. I had the classic symptoms, the fast beating heart, the tingling in my stomach when he was near. I was classically smitten with him. Ah love…isn’t it fun? I think that many people don’t feel that strong emotion for their spouse after just a few years. I’m lucky, my feelings become stronger every year. Our marriage has had it’s share of trials and tests over the years. None, however, can compare to the one that is occurring right now. But, I know that my idea of “what is marriage”, keeps that eternal love strong and sincere. We support each other in so many ways that presence couldn’t improve that. Support doesn’t have be up close, at least not in a physical way. We remain respectful and loyal, and no amount of miles will change that. Trust and are our strongest bond. We’ve grown to know what friendship means.
My project today, I saw on a site the other day, and I KNEW I had to do it! No doubts, no reservations. It was the cutest thing I’ve seen, EVER!!!! AND….I did this little number about five years ago, so it goes perfectly!
This is my silver baby spoon that I frames a few years ago, and it hangs in my kitchen, now it will have company…only I have to redo the backing….cause I LOVE the inspiration that Kari Anne over at Thistlewood Farm gave me! How smart is she?
I started with some old silver spoons….easy enough to find.
I found this drawer pull back-plate, that just seemed perfect.
Granted, it’s the wrong color, but I can fix that.
I already had some metal letter stamps, so that purchase wasn’t necessary. However, if you do want some, here are a few choices, and I’m going to do more inspirational projects with these….so grab some up, and start with this project. Then jump over and do this project making plants identification markers.
My letters were 1/8″, and I really wish they had been a bit bigger. I got mine at the hobby store, and were the only choice. I believe the red is 1/4″ and the blue choice is 1/8″ like mine. You will also see lots of other choices and price points here.
ANYHOO!!! I stamped out my wording. It ‘s trial and error, and takes some practice, play with some scrap metal or cheapo spoons first. Lining up the letters is tricky, and as you can see mine aren’t perfect, but that didn’t bother me too much.
I have a confession. The drawer pull back-plate, was a big ole flop! The metal was entirely too hard to get a good impression of the letters, so it got scrapped. I had a thin copper sheet from another project.
I cut it into a strip the size I needed, and it worked really well. This will give you some excess, to practice your lettering.
I found center on mine, and made a line for my wording, and even still it was a bit crooked. My metal was copper, and I wanted silver, so I got out my trusty paste wax and doctored it up.
I had to doctor up my frame too, but that’s pretty easy.
I took some linen I had from another project, and placed a little quilt batting behind it, to give it some “puff”. Hot glued my spoons and plaque on, and Bob’s your Uncle.
What project does your love inspire? Do you enjoy spooning?
Love Y’all!
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Ever since I found the embroidery machine design that says, “Spooning leads to forking” I can’t see the word without laughing. Love this idea, and I have some old spoons I bought long ago to play with!
hahaha….I know…I almost did something like that here!!! That’s great!
I love it. I hope to do one later this year. I can’t now as all my craft items are packed up for hubby to move them to Texas with him. I am dying here with no crafting available.
Tammy Hebert recently posted…Its a birthday in the house and she’s 8 !!!
Awww….moving is so hard. I hope you get reunited with your craft supplies soon…it’s almost worst than being away from your spouse! lol Thanks!