For those of you who have a blog….or are a little more “Techy” you probably already understand about RSS feeds. If you don’t….read on!
I’ve noticed that much of my site traffic comes from facebook. While this is okay….it’s not optimal. Let me explain. First off….if I’m in a hurry, and I’ve written my post (as I do a lot) the night before….sometimes I forget to post them to FB. Now…I do most of the time…but I do forget sometimes. If you are reading regularly…but are hesitant to subscribe via e-mail because either you are OVERLOADED with e-mails anyway…or it’s just not practical…..let me give you another option….and you can get rid of ALL your blog e-mails for good….and still read EVERY ONE OF THEM….in one place….and still be “Subscribed” (helping the publisher…or writer). How cool is that?….it’s like a little mini-blog newspaper!!! Also…from this you can “go” to anyone of those blogs and read/interact with them on their sites. For most of you….it’s right beneath your nose..and you just don’t realize it…I didn’t for a LONG time…even after I started my blog….so I’m not trying to make you look stupid. I promise…it doesn’t get much more “techy challenged” than me!!!
RSS stands for REALLY SIMPLE SYNDICATION or RSS feeds….not that this is going to explain it…I just thought I’d try to look smart! lol So…with no other way to describe it to you….I’m going to show you a screen shot of my subscriber button….and this is a “typical” RSS feeds subscriber button!
Yep….that little thingy right above my head that looks sorta like a cell phone reception bar!
You’ll also see this after each post….
When you click on this…it’s going to bring up several options for you….and what you need remember is you need to already have one of these options. I have Yahoo page as my “home” page. Now…some of you have Google etc….and that will work too. I’m sure most of you have played with them and customized them….but you might not know that you can get all your blogs right there on that page…..let me give you one more screen shot of my home page.
YUPPPERS!!! Look right there on the left! You’ll see MY blog from yesterday!!!
SO…when you click on the RSS button….it will give you the option of which “reader” you want the blog to go to….and you’ll choose which one you have. Once you’ve done that….you can go back to your reader and rearrange them like you like!!! You could get them “out” of your “inbox”…and fee up some of the clutter!!! Isn’t that Neato? Mine even has multiple pages….so that I can keep my priorities straight and yours probably does too. Just snoop around on it…and check it out….I bet you’ll see that it does!
Well….what are you waiting for? GO FORTH AND RSS!!!!
Is your email bulging at the seams? Would this simplify your life? Does your mailbox look like mine….even after doing this!!!?
Love Y’all!
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