Have you ever heard the saying today is a gift? It’s gotta be one of most loved sayings. It really rings so true. I’m a firm believer that one should take grace as it’s needed. Don’t waste it on tomorrow or yesterday. If you use the grace you’re given for tomorrow, on today’s problems…what will you use then. Have you ever thought about that? How worry is wasted on the day before and the day after. When you think about it, it never renders any results. Worry is flat out, a waste of time. Really the printable I made, isn’t about worry…but it is about today, and how I see it: As a gift. I hope y’all love it.
I love artwork, and I won’t even try to deny it. I have art under beds, in closets and on walls. Do you do that? Even when I tire of most things…I save them, and generally bring them back after some time. I like keeping my art for a new look…I guess I get bored. I’ve tried thinning out…but any time I do, I always wind up needing a piece as soon as I do get rid of it. Please tell me I’m not alone. Please tell me my hoarding tendencies are not alone. Well, alone or not, I’m adding this to my collection of interchangeable art.
Feel free to use this print for your personal use. It’s a 16 x 20 PDF. You can print it, and place it on a canvas…or use the Transfer…and it will print backwards for you.
Click on either image below for the PDF that matches
If you would like a reverse for transferring, click the pic below.
Are you a red type of gal? Well….I gotcha covered!
The transfer:
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