I’ve looked and looked for a cool place to snoop about since I rolled into this little town. I found several places in the listings…but when you go looking for them….Nope…dried up.
Now…I kinda hit it off with this lady in the hardware store and I’ve gone back several times for various bits and pieces to screw in…paint or something or another. She and I just chatter like we’ve known each other all our lives….kinda weird how that happens!! Today I went in to get a new collar for my Son Luke’s dog…he’s got the wander lust BAD!!! Anyway she and I started blabbing away….and I paid and was turning to leave….now at this point…she really didn’t know much about me. We really hadn’t talked about ourselves…just how we both had wound up in this little tiny town in the middle of NOWHERE!! Anyhoo…..as I was turning….she said, “hey….Do you like second hand stores?”….and I looked at her as though she were foreign…I’m sure…because I think my heart jumped about into my throat…..(how did she know?) “YES!!!!!!” I said…only I kinda wonder if I SCREAMED it at her!!!!! She grinned and told me how to find it…..and did it ever pay dividends!!!! I could have gotten more too….I just thought….really? How are you gonna drag all that back to Texas?….so most “common” things just had to stay! But I did find a few cool…can’t do without pieces!!!
Those of Y’all who follow me on Facebook…got a sneak peek at the iron bed on Friday….but if not…here it is…and a couple of other goodies that I’ll eventually transform!
I have to make an unexpected trip back home…and I guess the travel trailer re-model will get put on hold for a bit….so I guess stayed tuned for that later! Sometimes Mother/Grammy/Wife Hood…..just gets in the way of what’s REALLY important…..DECORATING!!! lol
Love Y’all!!!
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Love that headboard it’s beautiful!
I do too….I can’t wait to sink my teeth into it somehow!!
I love the headboard too … but I freakin’ LOVE the candlestick!!!!!
She’s cool isn’t she?!!! Still had tags on her!!!! Crazy what gets put on the “don’t want” list!