Texas Star
I LOVE nothing more than a Texas Star and rustic….so this is perfectly suited to my taste!
I have tons on trees on my property….Mostly old Elm trees. I inherited them….and a bunch of dead ones too. Anyone who has Elm trees knows…as they get old….they shed….shed….shed. I really don’t know how old mine are….but they had lots of dead and overgrown limbs. Every time the wind blew….I spent all day dragging limbs out of the yard….not only was it annoying….but dangerous! My daughter and I came home one day to find a WHOLE tree laying over in the yard! It had fallen in the wind…and crushed my beautiful old wire fence…and came within feet of hitting my house…one day one fell inches from my head…ugh! I think that most of them got a disease years before I moved here…and no one nursed them….Not only did they look horrible…but I knew limbing them up would help them be able to sustain themselves in the blow dryer we call West Texas.
I finally broke down and hired a trimmer! It’s not cheap…and to save a little …I let him leave the branches here…I thought on a still day I might burn them….but my son drug them all into a pile and made…what he calls….the tree house! He and the grandkids have a big time in it. It isn’t in a tree…it’s a fort made of tree debris! Now….don’t get me wrong….this is no “little” thing! In the pictures of it….it looks like it…but I’m 5’2″…and I can stand upright in it… I noticed there are still branches that they’d never miss and my granddaughter and I needed a “bonding” project one week-end when she was visiting!
Armed with a chainsaw, drill and a screwdriver….we went to work!
I think they turned out Great! I sold the first one….and Paity got her “cut”….I’ve made several more too….I just love them…and I REALLY think I like the way they clean up some excess limbs!!!! I have a cool Texas star I bought at a garage sale one time, and dolled it up for Christmas. Hummmmm….I may have to come up with another shape…..any ideas? Do Y’all like a Texas Star?
Love Y’all!
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Awesome! Two great recycling projects! So glad you linked up at Etcetorize this week~