Wow! This morning has been insane….packing, and planning. This isn’t just an ordinary visit. I had to bring more supplies for Dave. We didn’t get in till late last night….so EVERYTHING had to be done this morning! The Whole bed of the pick-up is full, as well as the back seat….two adults and three dogs in tow! Thank God Luke is going….it just makes the trip sooooo much better!!! He does most of the driving, and that gives me an opportunity to adjust around my back/joint pain!
Trying out mobile hotspot….wow! I think I’m in LOVE with this technology!!! We just got it this week!!! CRAZY how far we’ve come (dating myself) since my experiences with the Apple IIE and “basic” computer language of the 80’s. We thought we were soooooo smart! I’ll never forget I stayed with my grandparents the last half of my sophomore year because daddy had a heart attack and mom was having to be gone with him a lot. We had been learning basic and the school at my grandparents actually flew to see the computer system where my “old” school was…..just crazy how small the world is! I remember how the computers gave me a “Bug” and I REALLY thought for a long time that I wanted to become a programmer!!! Then….life happened and now I’m NOWHERE near the nerd I’d like to be! I feel DUMB and USELESS when it comes to computers. I struggle with every update I have to make on the computer. It’s kinda nuts too….I can wire up just about anything electronically in my house….and most of the time everyone in the house comes to me to get the other technology working….and when it comes to PC’s….I can usually get them going to….but Word Press makes me feel so STOPID….and YES I know I spelled that wrong….it’s how we pronounce it!
Well….I just thought I’d let Y’all know what’s happening with me this morning….I’m trying out new technology while rolling down the road….going to see my estranged hubby….and making plans to “update a travel trailer….fixing to be MISSING my daughter and grandson. MAN that’s a mouthful…and I’m already home sick…..I really do love being home, even though right now my house is a complete disaster and I need a professional organizer/contractor worse than ANY human ever did. My family really does think I’ve become a horder….and I’m beginning to believe it myself! It just takes soooooo many supplies to do what I do.
Anyway….Y’all have a great day, and Join the site and we’ll put your name in for the August give aways we’re doing!!!!
Love Y’all!!!
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