This gorgeous poof-ball tutorial is super easy and fairly quick. Isn’t she just adorable. She would just perfect for a wedding, shower, little girls room. I could go on for hours…maybe it would be easier to say what she WOULDN’T be perfect for!!
What you will need to make this charming little doll:
10-12 of my coffee filter peonies(how many you use is pretty much preference)
Ribbon or material to hang your poof-ball with
A tool to twist and cut the wires together with.
Take your poof-balls and hold them with all the wires together. This is the most difficult part. Push them up or down to get them arranged in a ball shape. Some you’ll have to pull further out some more in.
Once you have the ball arranged fairly cemetrical…..twist all of the wires tightly together to keep you poof-ball in the shape you like. It won’t be perfect….but you can trim the edges once your finished. I would hesitate doing this until you’re done, because some of the group may move slightly while you’re working.
If you’ll notice I didn’t go all the way down the wire with my floral tape. It isn’t necessary…it won’t show once your poof-ball is finished.
Now trim your wires to approximately 2-3″. Make a loop with the grouping.
Now loop your ribbing through the loop and tie her in a bow!
Once that’s done you can hang it and trim your edges to your liking! How PRECIOUS is she?
You could even do the colored poof-balls….Possibly green and red….as a kissing ball! 🙂
How would you use her? I would love to hear your thoughts on uses for this darling.
Love Y’all!!
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