Color Combinations
Yesterday I was looking at a photograph, thinking, man I would just love to see those color combinations in a room. I say color combination (s) because there are usually more than one in any given inspiration. I posted one on Sunday on my FB page…let’s use that one as my first example….but keep in mind…you can do this with fabric…or anything…I’ll show you.
In this color combination, the Red would be the focus color. You wouldn’t have to use red at all if you’re not a fan of those “hotter colors. Let’s look at it in a more “cool/muted” way.
Everyone of these colors came out of this photograph. Let’s do one more from this particular photo. This one uses the more vibrant and citrus (y) colors. How fun would this be in a sunroom…or child’s room.
This is a photograph of an ocean wave, that everyone loved on my FB page
Now, how does this work for you? Well…what I’m trying to show you, is find your inspiration, and pick the color combinations you like. Here is a photograph of a piece of fabric I have.
Here’s how I approach designing a room around something like this.
- Ask yourself, “what draws me to this particular piece?”. For me…it’s the color combinations. Then I have to decide what is the most neutral color in the palette? If it’s a particular color, and not the color combination, well then try to find one or two secondary colors that you DO like in the mix. Otherwise, I think maybe you’re using the wrong fabric or piece for inspiration.
- There are several VERY neutral colors in this palette. Here are just a few.
Surprised at how many there are? I was…and I think I could even find more.
So, I pick my neutral, and then two, or three colors to use with accents. The neutral would be used as wall color, and large pieces of furniture. You could use one color for this, or a combination of a couple of these for your larger areas. Keep in mind. I think that using at least one contrasting color in a palette causes some tension in a combination. I think that this makes a room more interesting. Here’s one palette I came up with.
This would be one of my first choices. I Love the soft, but not pastel of the yellow. If ever there was a green I could live with…it would be this green. And of course….the red. And, this watery blue/green….OMG!!! One of my favorites!
Here is a palette with a really pretty peach as the main neutral. I actually used a peach on my walls just recently. It is much, much lighter than this one, actually it’s kind of between peach and pale yellow. I used the turquoise/blue as an accent wall…and as usual, my reds are generously sprinkled throughout.
Here is a much softer palette, again all the colors were pulled right out of this fabric. I LOVE this. There is just something very balancing about it. The pale tones just balance the masculine feel of this fabric and feminize it somewhat.
This is just a couple more palettes inspired by nature.
Do you HAVE to use four colors in every room? No…but I can almost guarantee that you would be hard pressed to make an interesting room without using at least three. There is something just somewhat more interesting about a more complex color palette.
Does this give you any ideas? What are your color combinations? Need help? Email me! tam_kil@yahoo (.) com
Love Y’all!
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