Hi everyone! Laura here today, but not with a craft project…
Besides crafting, I have a love of gardening, almost bordering on an obsession at times! Although I prefer perennials in our gardens, I rely on certain annuals to be the reliable workhorses throughout the Spring and Summer months.
My favorite annuals? Petunias!
You can find petunias at garden centers and nurseries in an almost endless array of colors, some solid, some marbled, some with veining, some with patterns. Petunias love the sun, and most can bounce back easily from a strong downpour. Whether you plant them in containers, in hanging baskets, or in your garden beds, you will love their endless blooms.
This year is the Year of the Petunia, according to the National Garden Bureau! Each year, they choose one annual, one perennial, and one edible plant as the plants in their categories, and this year’s annual is the petunia! Needless to say, I’m thrilled!
Here are six of my favorite petunias, taken from the extensive petunia catalog on the National Garden Bureau’s website. (All photos are royalty-free and courtesy of the National Garden Bureau.)
Supertunia Picasso in Pink Petunia:
Surprise Lime Petunia:
Supertunia Flamingo Pink Petunia:
Trilogy Blue Petunia:
Sweetunia Grape Ice Petunia:
African Sunset Petunia:
Winner of the 2014 bedding plant of the year by All-America Selections
To see over 150 varieties of petunias, click over to the National Garden Bureau’s Year of the Petunia catalog.
Love petunias? I sure do!
Happy garden planning!
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