Good morning from Denver! Yesterday was long long long! Thank God for Luke…he drove the whole way…and I’m sure, like me at that age he doesn’t mind driving…but I also know he does it partly because he knows how bad out hurts me to be in a vehicle…much less unable to shift. Awesome boy!
Today I’m gonna do something I don’t often do. I’m not getting paid to say any of this…so it’s completely from the heart. We stopped yesterday because we needed gas. We got off the interstate to go into a little place we couldn’t even see from the hy-way. As we rounded the exit…I began to wonder if someone had failed to update the exit sign to “ghost town”. It looked as though we were entering a horror film…my heart sank just a little…then suddenly…out of the trees emerged this quaint little village. Just an amazing little hidden gem. Cute little cafes and pubs lined the street. Flowers and trees…buzzing with humming birds and butterflies. Now I realize…I’ve been Colorado probably a hundred times in the past three years…that this isn’t so different from most places in Colorado. The whole state is amazing….and I really believe if not Texas…it would be my next choice of places to live. But this town…this darling little corner….a wide spot really..was different somehow. Now I may just not realize it…and it might be a very well know spot to Colorado tourists. I’ve never heard of it..but it seemed as though there might have been visitors..not just locals. I’m pretty sure that if I wanted to have a nice little getaway, or romantic week-end…one of the GORGEOUS little B&Bs in this town would be the pick. Okay…so I won’t keep you in suspense any longer…..This awesome little place is nestled in the trees and curves just off the interstate between Colorado Springs and Denver… called Larkspur! If you are EVER close….just stop and meander through town. I’m not sure why….but it just took my heart. There was just something serene and “down home” about it! If you are from there…..ohhhhhh LUCKY you!!!! Maybe someday….I’ll just retire there!
Nah….I think I love Texas too much. Is there such a thing as being stupidly loyal to a state? I kinda think Texans are….I’m not sure why….but most Texans, unless forced by events that we can’t control….just wouldn’t live any other place!!! I guess that saying “There’s no place like home” didn’t really come from Dorothy in Wizzard of Oz…It came from a TEXAN!!!!!
Y’all have a WONDERFUL week-end!!!!
Love Y’all!!!!
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