Well….no one tried to guess my secret….so I’m letting the cat out of the bag……I got another booth!?!!!!!! I’m not sure if that’s a good thing yet! But I’m just throwing caution to the wind and betting on myself! =]
I’ve been working my hiney off all week….as well as Ms. Pati…..That AWESOME woman….she has stayed late and baby sat me again….THANKS LOVELY LADY!!!! Your dedication to your vendors is priceless!!!
Here are a few pics of the work…..
If you look at the last picture….you can see one of the rustic shelving boards up for grabs in the give away……look how awesome it looks with those antique corbels….by the way….are for sale in the booth!
If you haven’t….you should come check out the store in Hereford…..there are some CRAZY talented artists there!!!!
Love Y’all!
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