A Drive in the country around Montana
If you’re looking for the leaf template it’s at the bottom of this post! 😀
As many of you may, or may not know, my husband was transferred to Montana a little over a year ago. Needless to say, this has been an exceptionally difficult time. Our marriage is fine…it’s just been a real adjustment in our living arrangements. I opted to stay in Texas for various reasons. Hopefully we won’t be separated by these miles for long.
During the winter months…I keep to myself in Texas. During the summer, however, I find myself driving between Texas and Montana, generally twice. It’s near impossible to stay for the whole summer…mainly because one trip generally entails hauling grandchildren for a trip. That trip was earlier this summer. I’m now on my second run to the Big Sky Country.
On Sunday, August 11th, my hubby and I celebrated our twenty-fourth wedding anniversary. In our usual, country fashion, we decided to spend the day….just driving around in the country, and checking out the scenery. There are some interesting things to look at, no matter what part of the country you drive in. It’s always interesting to see what the country has to offer. Several weeks on LCI, I shared my evening sunsets in the country . Today, I want to show y’all, what I saw in the Montana country side.
At the furthest point in our drive…we were looking for a place to turn around….and head back to the house. This was a wide drive that we came across to turn in….and as we did, I spotted this leaning on their fence. How cute is that?
Here are a couple of little yellow birds, that look a lot like our yellow finches at home. They were having themselves a little swim in the irrigation canal that comes off of the Yellowstone River where my husband lives.
Now…I know these are weeds, they are very similar to weeds we have at home that are called cocklebur. I thought they were really pretty though. 😀
This is a draw bridge that raises in the middle to allow barges to pass. It sits across the Missouri River. Isn’t that cool….just out in the middle of nowhere!
We came across this young little pheasant or grouse (it’s hard for me to tell…it’s pretty young) in the middle of the dirt road. He was wounded, and we considered bringing him home and nursing him…but Dave picked him up, and he wasn’t that bad. We opted to leave him where he was.
Here is another fascinating old truck. A tree grew right up through the middle of it.
We stopped at a little creek that branched of the Missouri River, for Molly to use the restroom. I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of this pretty blue horsefly. We have these at home. Would you say it’s a horsefly…or a dragonfly? I like the term dragonfly better….let’s go with that.
This old house was on one of the dirt roads we took. I would have LOVED to go inside it.
Here’s my picture of the truck at the fence, in sepia tone. I can’t decide which one I like the best….so I added this one too.
In the up coming weeks…there are gonna be loads of fall projects…including my aged paper tutorial. I did another one on LCI today…and if you’re into fall decorating, I’ve made these leaves for you to copy and make various sizes of. I have several upcoming projects where you’re gonna need some leaves for…so download these babies and print them out….lots of them on all kinds of paper….in lots of different sizes. The download doesn’t have the writing…just click on the pic below. 😀
On Sept 16-20 We are having a Fall themed party over at LCI….we’d sure love it if you’d join us!
Do you ever just wander about in the country? What sort of things do you like to look at?
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Oh, I’ve been waiting for these photos! They’re beautiful and I don’t know which one I like best, although I’m leaning toward the one of the little house. The trucks are pretty cool too, though. I love all that big sky out there! Thanks for sharing these, Tammy. 🙂
Jennifer @ Town and Country Living recently posted…Celebrating Everyday Life Magazine – Fall Issue!
Thanks Jennifer. I loved that little old house just sitting out in the middle of nowhere! lol.
Those are dragonflies, not horse flies. Horse flies look like house flies but are much larger…and they bite! Thanks for the leaf templates and the instant tea aging process.
As an OklaTexan that has immigrated to Montana, it’s not so bad. A bit colder than Texas but there is beauty here that is unrivaled. The people are welcoming and the speed of life is slow enough to enjoy what matters. Be careful on the road.
I think the west side of Montana is gorgeous…the East…not so much. The folks are not quite as friendly…because they’ve been completely invaded by transplants. I think it’s just rough because of the boom.
Snakes could be living in those old houses….
LOL…Yes they could be. But I’ve never been terrified of snakes…just respectful of them. I didn’t go snooping…although I sure would have loved to, I was more concerned with being arrested for trespassing, than snakes. Thanks for stopping by Lisa!