A four-poster bed makeover
Do you ever feel like you might be one of the luckiest people ever? Like you have something that no one else has? When I acquired this four poster bed a few years back….that’s exactly how I felt. Like I had something special, that no one else had anything that was as awesome. That they never would. Now….I know that’s a bit of egageration….but I did fall instantly in love with it…and I did know exactly how I was gonna deal with her waredrobe….she was getting a face-lift….some cosmetic surgery….as it were. And….I knew it would be white…or some version of it.
She sat in my attic for several years….while my daughter and grandson lived with me….she (the bed) goes in the room that belonged to my grandson. She waited patiently….knowing someday she would be transformed into a gorgeous four legged beauty.
She knew her patience would pay off some sweet day.
She waited…….and waited……and waited.
Then……one summer day….she came down from the attic. She needed a bath…and she needed some surgery….but she was still the lovely little girl who went into the attic a couple of years prior. She wasn’t damaged so badly, that a wet rag, and some wood glue couldn’t fix her right up. Then…..she got a new make up job….and new facelift. She got a beautiful white distressed coat of paint. Boy….does she ever look different….and beautiful.
And then…I got her dressed…..
What a gorgeous Lady!
So….why didn’t I take more pictures of her finished? Because this whole room….and more furniture need updating….so you have to wait till that happens….and then you’ll get the full reveal….including close up pics of her long sexy legs. Till then….I’m leaving a little to the imagination…. Sorry headboard lovers…..you’ll just have to wait!
Do you have a piece of furniture that needs some special attention? paint? glue? Why not drag it out…while it’s warm….and do a little cosmetic surgery of your own?
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What a gorgeous transformation….so happy that it finally has a “home”…
Awe…Thanks. It had so much potential to begin with…it was hard to mess her up! Thanks for stopping by Shirley!