Everyone loves cool bracelets. Actually, I think everyone just loves jewelry whether it’s jewelry for the body, or accessories for the home, even out of junk. I guess, in a way, this is accessorizing with junk also. So…I guess that makes this another one of my decorating ideas! lol
Once again, we’ve found something I love to look at, and buy from Goodwill. I did forget to take a before…but I really think y’all can handle this….hopefully you know what a belt looks like. This particular one was a bit stretched out and pretty worn. I loved the pattern on it, and it’s a real shame to let that darling design to go to waste. Although I didn’t want to have that worn to a frazzle look around my jeans…I LOVE it for my wrist. The nice thing about this project, is, you can find belts of every kind color, thickness and materials at any thrift store…and they always have a huge selection!
Really, this doesn’t get any easier. Wrap the belt around your wrist and before you cut it make sure you leave enough to tuck through the loop right past the buckle.
My cut end isn’t all that neat…but I kind of liked that unfinished rough look.
Mark where you think it would be the most comfortable for you to wear. I made mine really flexible, and put several places, so that it could fit anyone’s wrist. I have a leather hole punch…but you can do this with a sharp ice pick or any sharp-pointed object.
Now, I’m hanging on to the other end…DUH…I’ve even come up with more uses for these cool bracelets. You’ll see those soon…hmmm, you’ll just have to come back and see next week! 😀 (there’s a link there…but it won’t work till the post publishes on the 13th…so stay tuned)
I think this might be super cool with some little beads or some sort of something dangling from it…hmmmm I’ll have to think on that!
Would you wear belts for cool bracelets? What would you dangle if this wear your bracelet?
Love Y’all!
Norah Wilson says
Perfect…. At first glance it seems as a wrist watch, but actually it is a bracelet… And also it looks very stylishand beautiful… Good post..
Norah Wilson says
Perfect…. At first glance it seems as a wrist watch, but actually it is a bracelet… And also it looks very stylish and beautiful… Good post..
Tammy says
Thank you. I love old belts….and reusing them…just makes it even better.