Perennial Flowers are a staple in my yard. I spend more than my and several others’ share of time in the garden every summer. When the warmth begins to creep back into my yard…I start spending copious amounts of time working in my gardens. Many people plant annuals and bi-annuals each year, but perennials are the main staple in mine. I’m so determined to save money, I just can hardly bring myself to buy flowers that won’t return in my gardens. I buy some for my containers…but just about it. This year I did, however, buy some that I found on sale half off. They apparently were bought a little early, and no one bought them. What stores forget, or just don’t worry about is that you can cut them WAY back…and they flush with more flowers…so they are in my sunroom…with their little heads cut off….and as I type…they are growing new blooms that will probably burst just about the time I can set them out.
ANYHOO….back to perennial plants and flowers. These are not the show stoppers in your yard….they are the backbone. Most of them will have a strong showing at point…or steady, less conspicuous blooms throughout the season. What I love about perennials the most, is the backdrop they give your gardens. Without them, there is not strength, no stature. The interest that your shrubs, bushes and constant foliage is unmatched by the pops that you sprinkle throughout with annuals. The annuals are the jewelry. The perennials are the outfit.
When planning your beds, begin with your main outfit. The larger of all the perennials. Bushes, shrubs and trees. lay those out. Get them planted. Design your beds…and don’t fret the bareness. Try to pace yourself…while the perennials are more expensive, they will earn their keep. If you just can’t stand being without blooms…sprinkle some beautiful containers, that can be used year after year, and ornaments in your gardens for interest. It may be that you find yourself falling in love garden art. Be creative, use junk…it’s generally cheap or free….and oh so interesting. This is a story for another time. If you have trouble designing your beds…there are software programs, or even free services online for this.
If you’ll notice in this picture, These daisies, while beautiful, are lonely.
Look how much the backdrop of my perennials make the blooms of this Russian Sage stand out. Although the sage is a perennial itself…the blooms would not look nearly as bright without the contrast of the green structure behind it.
Again, although the orange of the trumpet vine blooms are brighter in nature than the Russian Sage above, they pale against the bright blue sky.
Spend your hard-earned money on the workhorses in your garden first…then worry about the jewelry later….This allows you to have structure, and the freedom later to vary up the look of your garden from year to year with your annuals. But investing in perennials, you place your efforts into maintaining a strong backdrop that will repay you each year.
Something to keep in mind about your perennials. They will grow, I love a crowded garden, but you do have to leave room for your perennials to grow. Don’t be tempted to fill your garden up with immature plants, that will cause you to have to prune and water constantly later. The rule of perennials is: The first year, they sleep. The second year, they creep. The third year, they leap. Don’t rush!
Love Y’all!
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great advice! I love the wardrobe analogy.
Sharon recently posted…Iām not a designer. I just play one of my blog.
Thanks Sharon! š