How to re-wire a lamp
Many people have asked for a tutorial on hot to re-wire a lamp……
Today….I’m gonna show you how. Re-wiring a lamp is easy….and you can use this information for any light…it doesn’t have to JUST be a table lamp.
I DO NOT claim to know all there is to know about wiring….nor am I responsible for your injuries! lol
If you do this RIGHT there is NO danger involved in it what so ever!!!! The main thing is: UNPLUG your lamp!!!! If you leave it plugged in…you’re going MOST likely have a shocking experience!
There are kits out there for re-wiring lamps, swags, just about anything you want..they just take the need for shopping for all the components out of the picture…I don’t always buy a kit…but I don’t always need all the parts….you should just replace them all if you don’t do this regularly!
Start by unscrewing the top portion of the “bulb holder” or socket. This usually comes off pretty easily…then you can pry it apart….look at the pictures…they explain it alot better than I can! Once these two are apart….you can unscrew the two screws on opposing sides of the lamp…generally there is one silver and one gold….most lamp kits have wire that correspond with this….more on that in a minute.
Now slide the wire out through the bottom….Now…I don’t have a picture of this…because the purpose of taking my lamp apart…is because I don’t like the looks of all the parts…they really don’t look good together. Some are brassy…some black…blah blah….so I’m taking mine apart to fix that problem…my cord and socket are in really good shape…so I’ll reuse them. If you’ll notice…when all my parts are off…I still have a rod that the cord is fed through…usually that’s the case…so it makes it much easier to hold everything on. Now when updating you can replace parts….but I generally just paint them…or decoupage them….like today!
This is what I’m using to bring mine all together….but I’ve been known to go hot pink…blue…silver…black….just to name a few! Use your creativity….or leave it the way it is….no matter!
I did mine a bronze color….and didn’t like it….so I RE-RE-did it…
Putting the lamp back together is as easy as reversing your steps…so…before you start…if you think you won’t remember how the lamp came apart….take a picture…then you have a reference….the order of the components….doesn’t have a lot of rules either….put it together how it looks good to you….especially if you roll like me….and like to shake it up a bit!
Another helpful hint….when putting the wire on your lamp….if you will wrap the wire around the screw where the loose end of the wire goes to the right….you’ll find it stays on it better when you start the tighten the screw…that way if the screw twists it at all….it just tightens….not loosens! I know this seems like common sense….but you can’t imagine how many times I did this wrong and had to re-do it…before I figured that out! lol…..okay so I’m not a mental giant! What do you want…..I TOTALLY live life in the Right Brain!!!!
I haven’t found the “right” shade for her….but I will.
Well Y’all….that’s how to re-wire a lamp! Go forth and wire!
Love Y’all!
[…] Take a new hat, and fresh clothes and she’s a doll. A super model! Oh…I did have to add a new cord for her mechanics….but that’s not hard….want to know how to wire a lamp? Go here. […]