How to make Wood Shim Stars
I’m just gonna go ahead and admit it right now….I love stars. It really doesn’t matter what size or color they are. They are just one of my favorite accessories. I think, Texans in general have a star “thing”. Well…some of anyway. The five sided star…or as I like to call it…the “Texas Star”, is really very versatile. She works year round in my Americana, country, cottagey, Texas home. Not only that, my stars fit right in during the fourth of July, and at Christmas. I don’t know of very many accessories, that can boast that kind of versitity…do you? Heck…most of the time, I’m not that versatile! lol
Today, I’m gonna show you just how easy it is to make your own five sided star, or as I’m calling them rustic wooden shim stars…. with the most inexpensive item! Wood shims! You can paint and decorate your star any way you like, and this will make two different sizes.
If you don’t have a box of shims sitting around…go get one. They come in handy for a variety of projects.
For the large’ll need ten shims. For the smaller one, you’ll need five.
I like to decorate mine before I start gluing them together…it sure is a lot easier that way.
For the little white one…I wanted it a little more I just dry brushed on the white plaster paint…and wiped it off a bit.
Then I rubbed a little of this antiquing glaze over the edges.
After I got them like I liked. I went over both the red and the white shims with some paste wax.
The shims are thicker on one end than they are on the other…so when gluing them…always make sure you have a thin end…glued to a thicker end. Your stars will go together much easier this way.
I used wood glue for mine…but you could use hot glue too…I think it would work fine….I held mine together with clothes pins while the glue dried.
Putting them together is fairly self expainatory…you just have to fiddle with them, till you get the spacing right.
These work great, like I used on my Pallet tree….or you could use them during the fourth of July too!
Five sided star…Texas Star…Lone star. Call it what you like…it’s Just this Texas girl’s style!
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These are so cute! Where do you get shims?
Jennifer @ Town and Country Living recently posted…Make Your Own Hanging Globe Terrariums
Hey Jennifer. Thank you. You can get them anywhere you buy building supplies. Usually around the lumber department. Lowes or Home Depot for sure…will have them. Have a great week!
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