This time of year when the days begin to get shorter and shorter…My heart kinda skips a beat. It’s a bittersweet time for me. Although I enjoy the cooler air…and calm days….I begin morning summer’s end…and the hibernation of my flower beds. I begin to get just a little sad inside. It actually starts in August…I start feeling the blues. I guess I’m one of those folks that is super sensitive to SAD. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) I’ve been this way as long as I can remember.
This time of year….I go into full busy mode. I’ve found myself just wanting to NEVER down. I sort of “panic”. I start feeling trapped and the only thing I know to do is…just work work work on one project after another all winter long. It’s really the only way I can cope with the heavy heart of winter.
I went through a slight panic this week at the trailer while visiting Montana. When I was there before…I hadn’t felt good at all…and we found out later that it was my white blood count. That seems to be resolving itself…and I’m beginning to feel more energetic.
I’m not sure if I told Y’all before…but that trailer looked like a green and purple flower threw up all over it!!! there was floral wallpaper….floral couch….floral valances….and floral bedspreads. I’ve always been kinda fond of floral….but this is too much for even me!!! See:……….
First thing on the list was just to tone some of it down….
First off….the super dated valances and cornice boards….had to go! The trailer came with really pretty pleated shades….super nice, and that’s enough! I don’t even think I’m gonna put new curtains up for the most part!
I didn’t have time to try to remove the wallpaper….so I painted right over it….and let me show you what my solution for the back splashes…and bathroom was! Now…I really didn’t want to put much money into it….and had fairly limited resources. So my solution came in this form!
I brought my craft paper….I’m not sure why….but I’m sooooo glad I did. and the stain I had from experimenting with the wood. I realize this is an old technique….but I knew I needed something that the guys would like….and that was cheap…and easy!!! I also….just have never stopped loving this faux leather treatment! Hopefully this will give Y’all some home decorating ideas of your own!
So…I ripped the paper into medium sized pieces….and wadded them up…..and dry brushed the stain onto the wrinkles! Then I took water based polyurethane….and put it up! Then I coated it a couple more times! So….do you want to see what it turned out like?…..Hmmmm….maybe I’ll just keep you in suspense!……
…………………………………lol…………Not really!
So….there is the kitchen….and here’s the bathroom!…..I did add curtains here….and I may redo the blinds in this room….it’s the only one that got mini blinds instead of the pleated shades.
I adhered the paper with the poly….and then put three more top coats for durability!
Well….that’s my tightwad back splashes…..and the floral vomit… no longer! How’s that for recycled treasures?
Love Y’all!
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I love it! I am going to do it in my kitchen . After up put it up with the water based polyurethane. ,is the water based polyurethane. that you brushed on top ?
Yes….but you could use the oil based version. It might be a bit more durable. I used gloss sheen….but you could go a little flatter. I used it to adhere the paper, and then I put three more coats on after that.
Wish I had read this before I had tile put in my kitchen which cost this tight was $700.
I meant tight WAD $700.
Oh my….yeah they can get pricey. I bet it’s beautiful!!!