Candle Holders from Junk
Sitting by the glow of a fireplace just makes one’s heart sing. The ebbing of a flame…and the warm glow has long been admired of humans. So many folks have quit using them, replaced with the wax warmers. Yes…for safety, but for romance…there is no replacement. Whether a flame comes in the form of a fireplace, or a flickering candle…the yellow glow is the epitome of romance. The juxtaposition of the rough textures of junk and romance of a candle is the perfect combination. The balance of candle holders from junk is the tension that most interiors need. I have combined opposing forces before, if you can recall my post about decorating with junk. This combination of differing materials and feelings can also be seen in my junk lights.
Have you ever thought of a bunt pan as a candle holder? It’s just the right size for this gorgeous turquoise candle. They make nice wreaths too! How cute would that be in the kitchen?
The candle holders in the picture above are some rusty bits and pieces found laying around the barn. Sometimes if your candle doesn’t fit perfectly you can drop a bit of melted wax inside and then quickly press your candle into it before it cools. That’s generally enough to hold your candle into place. If not…you can always hold your candle into place and pour wax around the base.
If your candle is too big…it’s easy enough to taper and reduce the base of your candle to fit just about any object….
like I did for this retro style coke bottle,
and these old couch arm spindles I found in a junk pile.
These were just one of those finds….that make you just go….WOW!!!
I made these from spindles we took out of a half wall, when we started our Reno on the house in town.
Cut various lengths gives them some interest…and keeps your eye moving around.
Sometimes…you don’t really need the tension, you just want the aroma, or the warmth of the glow.
Here I just placed a large candle in some moss and sand inside an apothecary jar.
It hits the painting I did of the Mother and child lambs and almost looks as though it’s in the barn with them.
Here I took an old antique tea-cup and placed a tea light inside….Just a BOOST of romance.
You can make candle holders from junk…or just about anything your heart desires.
Do you like candles? Have you given up on candles?
Love Y’all!
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ooooo love the spindle ones the best!
Kammy’s Korner recently posted…Best of 2012: Will I Ever Top This Year For Projects?!
Thanks Kammy!!
Love the candle in a tea cup, and the spindles-turned-candelabra.
Thanks Shana! I have so much fun finding things and playing with them!
Great ideas! I love burning candles and I hate throwing away anything. I’m always wondering what I can do with something before I toss it away. But unlike you, I usually can’t think of anything decorative. My mind goes automatically to “What can I use this for to fix something that’s broken or to make something work. LOL
ReneeJay recently posted…The Wicked Stepdaughter
That’s not a bad way to look at things either! It takes a creative mind for that too. Thanks again!
You definitely have an eye for repurposing. These are all lovely.
misssrobin recently posted…I Don’t Know How I’m Supposed to Feel
Thanks you so much!
I think my faves are the spindles – they look really upscale! Very cool blog, love the concept of trash to treasure 🙂
Happy SITS Day!
Christa recently posted…Check Me Out Over at This Is Mommyhood Today!
Thank you Christa…yes…I hate throwing anything away..sure does mean a lot of storing though. Thanks for stopping by!
I absolutely love the spindle and the tea cup candle holders. I don’t think I would have ever thought or repurposing them in that way. Awesome post and awesome ideas. Happy SITS Day…
Tiffany recently posted…More Than Just A Friend…
Thank You so much Tiffany. They are some of my favorites too! I’m so glad you stopped by!
Thanks for the great ideas! The spindles are my favorite idea. Happy SITS Day!
Joan Merrell recently posted…Motivation Monday – Back to the drawing board
Thank you Joan, I’m so glad you stopped by! 😀
I love candles, but unfortunately so do my kiddos; so I don’t use them for now. Those spindles are beautiful though! Maybe I’ll try that someday. 🙂
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Jammy Jams: Once Upon a Rhyme (Review)
Thank You…and yes…I had to avoid them when my kids were small…and now, when the grandkids come over. Thanks so much for stopping in!
What a great idea! I’m pretty sure I have a few stuff lying around the house which I can make into a candle holder.
Dropping by from SITS, have a great day!
Jhanis recently posted…[Postcard Exchange] Atlanta!
Awesome….I’d love to see them when you finish! Thanks for stopping by!
I love the name of your blog! It really describes the way you take old things and make them “new” again. Visiting from SITS. Have a great day!
Mo at Mocadeaux recently posted…Shopping For Wine – Part One
Thank You! 😀