I LOVE LOVE LOVE old doors! I’m not sure what caused this endearment….or really when it started. I have been collecting old doors for quite sometime now…and have WAY too many ideas rolling around upstairs!
This project came from the fact that I had this old door….and I knew what I wanted to do with it….just didn’t have all the parts and pieces to it.
One day about 8 yrs ago…while living in town….waiting on my dream cottage to come along…my daughter and I were sitting on the front porch chatting. At this time….we had a great dane that LOVED to chase cats. We started tying him to the porch posts when we were in the front yard so that we didn’t have to spend half the afternoon sprinting down allies to catch him. Mind you…..these are no small posts….I really should be referring to them as columns.
Anyway…..he saw a cat…and in his usual way he bolted….only this time the column didn’t stop him! He took it with him!!!! After running at least a block chasing a great dane..chasing a cat…dragging a column…I began to have a moment of panic..about my porch falling down without one of the supports!
We temporarily replaced the column…and had a contractor look at it…at which time he informed us it wasn’t structural…and I instantly began to dream about my door’s new life!
The other column was taken down….both chopped in half…and some trim added….and the creation has been one of my FAVORITE pieces of furniture since!!!
I don’t have any clutter or anything! lol |
I had a piece of glass cut for it…but it got broken during some remodeling…and I haven’t gotten it replaced. Love it anyway!
Christmas presents stuffed under it! =] |
You just can’t get any better than this! Well….unless it’s this old door!
I had to match the patina that was on the sides of the door and column. |
Just look at that built in patina!!!
Love Y’all!
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