Headboard From Old Door
Here is the first of my travel trailer adventures. It’s a headboard from old an door. Okay…I know it’s not much…but seriously folks…I’m working in confined…crowded conditions…with limited tools, and resources!!!! They carry one kind of paint here!!!! I’m not kidding!!! =\
So…excuse the mess!!!! Here is a picture of the headboard area before….what is it that tells travel trailer designers that EVERYONE loves teal carpet….and green decor!!! This is the second trailer we’ve owned…last one from the nineties…and this is a 2010. Both of them had teal carpet!!! Seriously? Do they just use carpet that doesn’t sell to furnish these things? UGH!!!!! I love teal as much as the next guy….but I REALLY can not express strong enough…..EARTH/NUETRAL TONES for big-ticket items people!!!!!! Nuff said!!!
Yes….I’ve been working from bed!!! Hush Y’all….I’m on vacation too Ya know!!!! =]
If Y’all will remember this little jewel.. This is the coolest old door!
Well….believe it or not….I drug her all the way to Montana with me!!!! And…today she’s making her debut in her new life. I may sand her a bit more…depends on how everything looks when I’m finished!
Yes….the walls behind her got painted a chocolate brown…I’m not really sold on that yet either…but for now it’s staying….You see…I have a certain process I use….and sometimes you just have to dive in….head first!!! =]
Here she is with some pillows….oh…and yes the one with the matching fabric…is just wrapped…I haven’t had a chance to get the sewing machine out yet!!!
Now…looking at the pics….I’m gonna say that the walls might go a cream color….but I really LOVE the contrast, and I DO have some lighter accessories that will go above her…so like I said…we’ll see when the big picture is more in focus. Any way….I’ll get back to work!
There is something so appealing to me about making recycled treasures from salvaged items, and using them as unique home decor. Do Y’all remember the headboard that became a bench and the three chairs that became the Triple Sitter?
Have a great day!!!
Love Y’all!!!!
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wow!!! It looks awesome!! I really need to come see you soon!!! 🙂
Thanks Girlie!!! Yes…you do!!! =]
Looks great girl. Is Montana where David is?
Yes…that’s where he’s living…but he drives to North Dakota every day to work!
Looks great, ma!
Thanks sweetie!…comfy too!
Awesome work, love seeing what u do with things most people would throw away. Love the look. Ready to see more as u finish this project.
Thank you Debbie….I hate cookie cutter! =)
Hey girlie … I LOVE the chocolate brown … I say keep it and lighten it up w/accessories! Love ya
I know….I love it too. One of those colors where you just have to wait out the storm…and when it’s all done…step back and assess the situation! Thanks for the input…that just helps sometimes!
very creative and well executed!
Well….Thank You very much!