I’m starting this post off by saying I’m sorry. I fell Saturday….and almost broke my ankle. Although it wasn’t broken…I’m sporting an air cast and crutches for six to eight weeks….so it might as well have been broken! lol Anyway that being said….I’m having to keep it propped for most of the day…and not many projects are happening around here. In the meantime….I thought I’d do SOMETHING for Y’all
So….again…another printable. Today is a Giving Thanks printable….this one is available in both forwards and mirror for transfer. It is a 16 x 20 so that you can make it larger.
I hope Y’all enjoy it….and again…sorry about the lull in painting/up-cycling projects.
Hey…I also have a Love Printable!!!
Love Y’all!
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Hope you will be better soon. Would so love to see you. I have several questions about projects that I need to visit with you about. Just think you have a “leg up” on all of us!:))
Thanks Janet. I miss Y’all. I would LOVE to see you too!!