Y’all don’t forget that my give away runs through the month of May.
Just because no one guessed the bonus doesn’t mean you still can’t win the other.
I was told my explanation of the rules was a tad confusing….so let me try to simplify them.
1. You HAVE to be subscribed to my blog to be eligible.
2. Tell EVERYONE you know to go subscribe. Tell them that this also makes them eligible to win.
when they subscribe. They need to comment on ANY of my blog posts that they are signing up
because you told them about me.
3. who ever gets the most friends to subscribe to my blog in the month of May….will win their
choice of the prizes
The choices are:
Oh….and family…..if you are subscribed to my blog….YOU can win this portion….just NOT the guessing portion…or bonus….that is already passed anyway!!!