Here are some more ideas for How to accessorize with junk and flower pots from junk:
This old tricycle was, believe it or not, my husband’s as a child. The school bus ran over it one day….and it lay there for years getting buried up. I grabbed it one day when I was exploring on their old homestead. The seat was missing…but I had Dave weld an old metal dish to the spot where the seat belonged….and Bob’s your uncle….flower pot!
Now…obviously these are silk flowers in this old worn out boot…but you could easily plant real flowers in it…and I have before.
Do Y’all remember my “summer flowers” gas cans?
You would be amazed at how easy it is to decorate with junk. Once you discover your passion and taste for a style…you’ll find it easier to do. Make a trip out to the country….snoop in an old trash pit. Remember….folks in the country, until recent years, haven’t had access to a dumpster. Usually they had to find a place on the back forty and dig a ditch…and that’s where all their old junk went….sad but true. But…now those old trash pits…are a treasure to snoop in. You can find the coolest old junk and items laying around with the perfect amount of patina on them! WOO HOO!!
What junk do you have lying around that could be flower pots?
Love Y’all!

Hi Tammy! I popped over from My Soulful Home. kinda thought you must be a texas gal by the way you said “Y’all.” How ya doing neighbor ? I’m done south of you just west of San Antonio. Love your use of junk for plants. I’m going to a plant swap this Saturday and have asked for junk instead of plants. I have too many as it is, but always welcome more rusty goodness around here ! Have a sweet fall !
YAY! It’s always good to see a fellow Texan. I’m so glad you stopped by! Have a wonderful week…and I want to see that junk when you do a project with it! 😀