How to decoupage
I’m gonna give decoupage…ADVISE….a HOW TO DECOUPAGE lesson…lol I have to say up front….I am NO expert….there may be other ways of doing this….maybe better….this is my way…and it works for me….just sayin’!
Here is a few home decorating ideas.
First find something you want to re-face…or add to….It can be pretty much anything that won’t fall apart to get a little damp…books…furniture…paper…walls….you name it.
I’m guessing….if you have the “something” to cover….then you probably have the “something” to go on it….same rule of thumb as above….anything pretty much that won’t fall completely apart when it’s dampened. I’ve even used tissue paper….so this is REALLY almost anything…fabric..paper…napkins….etc….
You will need…..MOD PODGE…..Now…I’m not in the business of giving ANY product free advertising….but seriously I know of no other product to do this with….however…in a pinch I’m pretty sure white glue would work….I’ve accidentally gotten BOTH in my mouth before (don’t ask)….and they taste EXACTLY alike! =\
Get a paint brush…..coat the recipient in a nice covering of paste….I wouldn’t go too heavy….it simply doesn’t need a ton….that being said….the thicker the item you’re sticking….the more mod podge you’ll need. When I do fabric….I put enough to “get into” the fabric when I smooth it down.
Many times…I give up the paint brush once I have my covering placed….it can be moved around…pulled up and rearranged….and I suggest that you do just that…get in there…and get your hands dirty…don’t be prissy….water washes it off…and God gave us the PERFECT tools right on the end of our arms for this! If you’re REALLY anal about the placement of your paper…you may actually need to place it dry and lift a corner/section at a time and coat under it.
Let it dry….but stay close at this point because sometimes things wrinkle or bubble….and you need to continue to smooth it either with your hands or the paint brush…be careful though…because you can ball up the sticky mod podge….I usually dip the brush or my fingers in the bottle to keep it from balling up while I’m smoothing….not too much…or you’ll just keep it too wet to stick down without wrinkling.
Once it’s dry…re-coat the top several times….I think they recommend three coats (instructions on the bottle). Don’t freak out….it goes on white….but it does dry clear. If you’re from back in my day….this was REALLY popular to used on puzzles….people would coat them and then hang them like pictures….Do they still do that?
I have used it on “fake” oil painting/posters that I wanted to look like a “real” painting for texture… seriously….it’s NEVER gonna look like a REAL oil painting up close…but it’s a pretty good mock from a slight distance…..I tried to turn it where you could see the texture it makes….if you follow the strokes in the picture it looks best.
I also do this…over a jar or whatever….like here…this is pretty cool! A bubble bath bottle was used for this one….=]
A decoupage project on canvas….cute little home
interior decoration on the cheap!
That’s how to decoupage!
Hows that for recycled treasures?
Have fun!
Love Y’all!
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