Grapevine Mason Jar
Did you know you could buy this grapevine wire at the hobby store? Yup…you sure can! But…don’t run out and get it right now. Read my post, and then you can go. 😀 I’m loving this stuff….You’re definitely gonna see this again. I’m not sure of the project yet…but you can bet I’m gonna play with it!
I have these extra large vintage blue mason jars, (be still my heart) and I love decorating with them. They are absolutely the most perfect color of turquoise/blue. It looks good on it’s own, or looks pretty darn awesome with my creams, whites and reds. Nothing makes me happier! But, if you don’t have vintage blue mason jars…you can use any kind of jar.
Isn’t it charming? Remember….it doesn’t have to be on a wreath. It can hang by itself…or you could even just sit it on a shelf.
It’s really easy to make too! How perfect is that?
Here’s what you need:
- Grapevine wire
- Wire cutters…but honestly, I couldn’t find my…just bend it back and forth till it breaks, then snip the paper covering.
- A jar or container of your choice.
- What ever you like to put in your vase.
Yup….three or four things.
Here’s what you do:
Take you grapevine wire and loosely wrap a piece around the neck of the jar.
Leave some extra, to give room for wrapping the side pieces into it. It isn’t important to make it fit tight at this point….in fact, you should leave it a little loose at this point. Just loosely bend it around itself so that it will stay at the top of the jar.
Now, take another piece of wire and loop it around the neck wire.
I like to leave a little extra on a few wires, for making curly cues! 😀
Now take this strand and go under the container and attach on the opposite side.
Repeat this step. I only used one more, but you could do this several more times, depending on the look you like.
Once you have as many side pieces attached, take another piece and connect them together with one that sits under the container. (for support and to keep the wires spaced properly. ) Remember to loop the support wire around each side wire.
You could stop there….but I added another piece about a third of the way down the jar…just for looks. You could add as many as you think looks good.
This also helps keep the side wires spaced right all the way up…but honestly, they will because of the neck wire.
Now, take the neck wire, and tighten it. With the extra on the end, for a loop for hanging, and secure it.
Bob’s your uncle! A Grapevine Mason Jar!
I love it hanging all by itself on my door!
But mostly, my favorite, is hanging on this chippy door, in my kitchen.
It’s really easy to attach to a wreath. Just take a couple of lengths of grapevine wire and twist it on! I should have added this to my Wreath Round-up!
It can sit on a flat surface too, but make sure it’s where it won’t get bumped…it isn’t gonna fall over by itself…but it’s not perfectly stable either. I don’t want to be responsible for it getting knocked off someone’s shelf! 😛 So…if you sit it on your coffee table…and say, a dog knocks it off with it’s giant, lethal weapon of a tail, don’t blame me. I’m not saying that’s ever happened at my house….just sayin’!
Now you may be dismissed to go get your wire! Don’t spend all your money in the hobby store though…do as I say…not as I do! 😀
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Very Cute! The Mason Jar makes a nice addition to your Grapevine wreath!
Tammy recently posted…Painted Pumpkins: Rustic and Elegant Fall Centerpiece
Thanks Tammy! I had so much fun making this.
Nice crafts. Wish I had more time to make them.
Thank You Stephen…I’m glad you stopped by!
This is very pretty and inspiring. I think I can make one of these. Thanks for the step by step instructions on how you did it : )
You’re very welcome. I bet yours will turn out beautiful!
The jar looks lovely with your wreath- nice job.
Sherry Conrad recently posted…Turkey Veggie Loaf
Thank You…I really love that it was so simple to make!
Very nice. Love it with the blue mason jar and cream flowers.
Thank You Brit. I love the blue jars. Have a wonderful week!
this is absolutely beautiful! I love it
Thank You Denise. I’m so glad you stopped by…have a great week!
This is awesome and would go perfectly in my living room. I know what I’m making this week!
Awesome! I’m glad you like it…I bet it will turn out great!
I really like this. Great tutorial too. Thanks for sharing with us.
Sew Crafty Angel
I’m glad you like it. This is one of my favorites so far.
This is so cute and I think I might be able to do it!
You SO can! Thank You very much! Have a great week!
That is SO cute Tammy! Totally clever my friend! 🙂
Vanessa recently posted…How to Make a Decorative Picket Fence
Thank You. Aren’t mason jars just the best? Have a great day! 😀
Love the curlicues on the mason jar!
Jennifer @ Town and Country Living recently posted…Fall Decorating Details in the Entryway
Thanks Jennifer. You have to have curlicues if you have grapevine…right?! Have a fabulous week Jennifer! 😀