I woke up this morning with what I think is a sinus infection. I’m not feeling very creative…and I really don’t want to give Y’all a bad post about creating….so I decided to tell one of my “nut house” stories….I hope I don’t bore Y’all with these!
Dave and I fell in love I believe because of the many things we have in common…and one of those things was/is the LOVE of the country. We are both….just country bumpkin’s. Hillbillies at heart, we made a decision early on to farm “on the side” as Dave had a job with benefits and with four children we couldn’t afford the risk of quitting it and farming full time. Although we knew we couldn’t, that was REALLY what we wanted to do. Dave….being raised on a farm….got it in his blood. It’s really all he ever wanted to do. When the farm/house that he grew up in came open again….we decided to buy it from his parents. It was the perfect size home…and just the right amount of land for a small part-time farm….and Dave knew the farm and equipment inside out. So…we dove in and bought equipment….and supplies. Now…when I say bought equipment let me ‘splain’…..With such a small farm…(two labor’s) we couldn’t and didn’t want to borrow too much money…so our equipment budget was limited to “fire sale” prices. Now admittedly we got a super good deal on a tractor and it was just AWESOME….but the rest….ugh was well….pretty much what got thrown to the back of the farm sale of the week. lol Dave grew up with probably….the most inventive “southern engineer” you’ve ever met! Not to mention….so tight he squeaked when he walked! Dave inherited both of these qualities….(trust me! When we went to get a suburban….we shopped for two years…ahhhh how things worked before internet!) Now if you know ANYTHING about West Texas…it’s that we have blowing dirt and weeds. Weeds Weeds Weeds. Now…we had three boys…and no money! This leads to “children hands” We couldn’t afford to buy a true spray rig….so the “engineer” had to go to work. He took some chairs we had stored at the barn from an old kitchen set I had….and welded them to a tool bar. We bought a tank and sprayers….Let me see if I can describe what this looked like….the tank went on the tool bar in the middle (behind the tractor) and a chair on each end. This left a two-row strip in the middle….so he welded on chair to the front of the tractor. This way each boy had two rows to spray. Just picture a tractor with a dining chair mounted on the front…and one sticking out on each side behind! lol
Now the particular year I’m thinking about was a REALLY bad year for weeds. The pre-emergent we put down that year just got so rain-soaked that it didn’t do any good. We were stressed to death. The weeds were taking over our cotton….and we didn’t have the time or money to tend to them like we should have! We all had been in the field earlier that summer hoeing…but even with the six of us (of course….Sara was just cheerleading….as she was too little to hoe) we couldn’t even make a dent in it! So we choked down the cost of the round up….and mounted the kids on “make shift” spray rig….and off we went! Now….our place was almost PURE sand….and we had a neighbor that farmed from the steering wheel of his pick-up…..so he constantly blew sand into our fields…..making for VERY bumpy rows! Dave is a pretty laid back guy….slow to anger….but when he does get to the boiling point….look out!!! The boys were NOT happy about spending the third or fourth week-end in a row sitting in the hot sun spraying in uncomfortable dining chairs….so they were revolting this particular day! When Dave had them standing at the barn….explaining the game plan for the day….our middle son Trent (probably not realizing Dave was looking) made a face that caught his daddy’s eye. Now….already irritated with their attitudes and comments he was at that boiling point….and Trent tipped the pot! So….in “Killough” style….he dry popped Trent on the back of the head…which of course….as usual….caused the other boys to start giggling. Now this was NEVER what you did with an angry Dave….so the mood got worse! He harshly told the boys to mount up and off we all went towards the field. Sara and I would ride in the cab with him….so that I could jump off if too many weeds got tangled in the tool bar….and we were going slow enough that he wouldn’t even have to stop for me to get in and out of the tractor. Anyhoo….off we went…now at this point….we were in “road gear” as we were going to the field. No spraying was going on….but the boys WERE on the chairs….although they were used to the jarring effect of the rides….this one….was particularly jolty….because Dave wasn’t slowing for ANYTHING!!! As we approached the field….there was a bump….just as Dave turned into the first set….and the tractor rocked from side to side….having just started…the tank on the tool bar was plumb full adding to the momentum of the sway! Scotty (the oldest) was on the front…so he was pretty secure…and Luke and Trent were in the back. Now they were pretty accustomed to hanging on….but I guess Trent (always in dreamland) didn’t prepare well enough for the turn/bump combo….and as Luke’s end of the tool bar descended….it catapulted Trent into the air! We were watching….Dave was angry…but he was still conscientious of the kids’ welfare…..and it took us all by surprise! Trent….the family clown….could make us all laugh with just a face…but the face he made as he launched through the air…was priceless….and we all began to laugh! Not just giggles….but side splitting laughter. Now I knew better than to let Dave see me laughing…so I jumped out of the cab….trying to look concerned….but as anyone who knows the Killoughs knows that when you get hurt at our house….unless you are knocking at death’s door…you’re probably gonna get laughed at! Giggle was pretty much our middle name! I could see out of the corner of my eye as Dave exited the cab on my heals that he was fighting the urge to laugh….mainly because he was still mad at the boys….and of course….it HAD to be Trent that flew off….because he had been the cherry on the cake before! The other boys were already off their chairs standing over the VERY dusty Trent laughing so hard they couldn’t even breath!!! Naturally this just proliferated Dave’s agitation! I could see his blood just boiling as he approached the trio of off-springs…..and by this point Trent was on his feet….giggling with the other two. We could all see that he wasn’t injured….as bad as it sounds….the tool bar wasn’t that far from the ground….so the fall was probably the shortest he had encountered all week…but shocking I’m sure not the less…..and super hilarious to watch! ANYHOO…..by the time he reached them….I think they could even tell they better make an attempt to camouflage the laughter….As most of us know….this is near impossible when there are others standing around trying not to. It’s like a fart in church….just impossible to stop! Dave…directing his frustration at Trent….dry pops him again!….causing the other boys to break into the biggest burst of laughter ever! I immediately turned and started walking off…because I knew not to let him see me laugh! But as I did…he realized why I had…and began chuckling too…..but he wanted to be serious….so he turned and popped the other two….and walked off…..this caused all three of them…me and even Sara to explode into resounding laughter!!! At this point….even Dave joined in…and we all just had a good stress relieving episode! After that….the spraying went on without a hitch….but probably only because of the antics of the boys! I swear….what my boys didn’t come up with….didn’t exist!!! Ahhhhh the casualties of parenthood!!! And my friends wonder why I’m insane!!!! I don’t!!!!
Have a good day!!
Love Y’all!!!
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