Black Chandelier
Okay…the other day I did the post on the faux mercury chandelier….If you’ll recall….I told Y’all I had two of them….Well, this is numero duce. The black chandelier!
I was just about to burst to do this little darling too!!! I know…again with my chandelier fetishes. I know I have a problem, but surely I’m not the only one of the face of the earth that loves these little ladies. There is something so feminine about a chandelier just dripping in crystals. All of my chandeliers are the old brass relics…but they are my favorites with their ornate style. These glass lights are just a tad modern for me, as I like a light with a story to tell. Although I do find them beautiful, they are just one of those things I like….just don’t particularly want in my home. This black chandelier could really go modern…or transitional. She could be chic, or Gothic. I think she would also look good in a romantically decorated room if it were done correctly.
No…she’s not a horse……..
But she does seem like she walked out of a fairy tale!!! Black Beauty….or black chandelier! I seriously like the black alot!
My little Black Beauty!!!!
What color next? I’m thinking…..maybe RED!!!!! Of the two….which is your favorite? the black chandelier? or the mercury?
Love Y’all!!!
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Just love the black!
Thanks Debbie….I think it might be my favorite 🙂
Me too love black…if you add a cobweb in your chandelier, then it is perfect for Halloween…
Hahaha….I hadn’t thought of that! Nice! Thanks for the idea!!!