Bestie’s Gardens
My hubby has worked at the same place since before we met…and we’ve been married just shy of twenty-three years. Although he’s worked there all that time….the coordinators have come and gone….until about fifteen or so years ago. Enter Miss Cheryl….and her gardens. She and I were cordial to one another…but I can’t say we were “friends”….then about five years ago we started spending more time together when I began to deal with Dave’s expenses. Weekly I would trek our to the plant….and she and I began to realize that we were alike in soooo many ways. Our conversations grew longer….and more personal… did our friendship.
Dave and I had just moved into our current house and the yard was a mess….to understate it. I had dug and drug a few of my flowers….but there wasn’t even grass here….it goes without saying…the curb appeal was definitely not what sold us!!!! Actually…it wasn’t the inside either. To say this place was a putting it mildly!!! Anyhoo….
Cheryl has some of the same passions I do….gardens being one. I guess it came up that I didn’t have much green and a ton of area….and was missing my gardens. Well….Cheryl….being the huge hearted…giving spirit she is….lept into action. Almost every week…sometimes twice a week she would send at least one to three twenty gallon totes home with me…bursting with flowers that she had dug from her gardens! I really think…if not for her…I might have withered that first full summer! Honestly….I think she might have saved my sanity. Dave had just starting traveling…Sara just left for college (for those of y’all who don’t know….my baby) and I was really lonely and sad.
As I began to visit her at her home….I could see…that she was indeed the gardener I was. Not only Did she have a green thumb….but she had style and flare when it came to outdoor decor! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Her yard isn’t huge….but it’s personality IS!!!!
Then a couple of years ago….I finally got the opportunity to partially repay her. I acquired a puppy. Oh…the cutest thing you ever saw. It was love at first sight! I really wanted to keep her…but I had my dog…my daughters…and my sons dogs. I asked Cheryl if she could help me find some one to take the puppy. I don’t know if Cheryl knows this…well she does now….butt I had really hoped she’d fall in love with her and take her. I knew she’d lost her dog (of Lord knows how long…years…) Just shortly before this one came along. It was God in action! It’s amazing how He works. Scout La Rue… she would come to be known…needed Cheryl…and Cheryl needed Scout. She took the bait…and they became inseparable! Scout couldn’t have gotten a better Mommy!
I guess all this…us why…she’s one of my besties! A better friend…I couldn’t have!
Love Y’all!!
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Tammy … you make me seem so much more interesting than I am! Love, love you!!!!!
I couldn’t come close to the real you….or how awesome your yard is!! Love you too! =)