Well…here we are again… looking at another year in the rear view mirror. It’s hard to believe we’ve entered into 2014. I just now learned to write 2013…now I have to remember 2014. My mind and memory just isn’t that good any more.
Do you ever feel like you just didn’t accomplish what you’d hoped? Maybe you wasted too much time, or didn’t spend the time on a particular project like you’d hoped? Me too…every year. I really feel that way this year. I’m not sure why, maybe because of the surgery in February. That just seemed to throw the whole year in a tailspin. But…I guess that’s why there’s always next year…right?
Before I review the top five projects…can I just say, Y’all ROCK! Better readers…I could not ask for.
So, when I look back at this past year in terms of popular projects…I can think of a few…..
Hands down, from all the project I WROTE…not from years past, the most popular post is:
I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite projects also….but y’all sure loved it the very most.
The next popular post was:
Number three for y’all…was this one…and I think I have to admit, it’s probably my favorite:
I have so many of these. I think one reason it’s one of my favorites…is because it’s outdoors….and that’s just my happy place.
The fourth most popular post this year, was my post about a rake:
Y’all hadn’t forgotten that one had you?
I’m stopping at five…because….well…I guess I could go on and on…but I think you should just snoop around if you haven’t seen all of them….what do you think?
Number five kind of shocked me. I actually thought it was higher up on the list. It is higher up on my list:
I really want to thank y’all for another amazing awesome year. Y’all just rock…did you know that? Thanks again for hanging out with me!
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Love these projects and now it is time to break out my craft project book for 2014 and start planning. Thanks for sharing your 2013 with us, here’s to an awesome 2014. 🙂
Awesome! Let me know if I can help! 😀
You have a great eye for creating beauty out of many simple objects. I love the way just write as if you are sitting across the table in the kitchen. how long have you been blogging. I have been writing for 21/2
Months I have learned but still feel lost a bit when it comes to what is best the best approach to all the angles of this journey. I look forward to a awesome 2014. I will be following your blog and attempting some of your projects with my own twist. When I do I will credit you and send you a little blog love from mien
Awwe…How sweet. Thank you very much. I have been writing probably 2 1/2- 3year. I am gonna have to go check your site out. Thank you so much for stopping by. I sure hope you’ll come sit across the table from me again! 😀
Tammy recently posted…Coconut Cloud Bars
Great projects! Can’t wait to check out the rest of your blog!
Emily Maldonado recently posted…Friday Favs 24
So many great projects.
But the lamp decanter one I think is totally outside the box they stand out.
Thank you Denyse. It’s totally one of my favorite projects. Have an awesome week! 😀